See I actually find Jokoy funny. It’s the weird Filipina live comedy shows I find weird. I forget what their called but Vice Ganda comes to mind. Hate me all you want I know she’s loved here but I don’t see how anyone finds her talented. I’ll die on this hill.

There’s really nothing wrong with it. Even me because I have spent enough time here I have adjusted to Filipino jokes and learned to laugh at even the dumbest stuff. However I can see how in school this would get really old. In life it’s better to laugh it off and move on. Best of luck to you.

As an American I find Filipinos have a very “immature” sense of humor. Not in a bad way but typically things children or teenagers would find funny Filipino adults find funny. Even what is considered “comedy” on TV or Movies here wouldn’t get any laughs in US or even EU. I always tell people Filipino sense of humor is decades behind other countries. I could be wrong just my perspective.

Not saying you shouldn’t buy this but you can buy a dehydrator for the same price and dehydrate your own meals. Started doing this last year and I’m never going back. Cheaper and better.


Sorry for your loss OP. Last my dad 1 year ago on May 7th. It fucking sucks but time does help. Walk this path slowly and you will reach a crossroads of healing

Never had any issue close to that at the Carson range. Granted I mostly go on weekdays and it’s usually just chill older dudes who love to talk shooting.

I heard she lost a foot to diabetes

Yea I was thinking that too but was trying to be nice. You just can’t do the same workouts in AC immediately in this heat. Gotta work up to it

I’ve worked out in plenty of SE Asian gyms with no AC. It’s definitely a big change compared to America. The secret is to drink tons of water before and take longer rests. Start with easier workouts then work your way up. I definitely sweat way more but I’m used to it now and no longer have that exhaustion feeling. Electrolytes during the workout and carbs before also help a ton.

Someone needs to tell him he’s the only comedian getting praise on this subreddit lol

Damn bro that sucks. My dad died last year and we were golfing buddies. He couldn’t fully retire cause of financial issues. Crazy some older people don’t realize how good they have it.

Bro just buy a bidet. I bought a tushy and love it. Of course not as useful as the bum guns but you can buy those too

Bangkok? Practical? That’s the first time I’ve heard that word used to describe this city.

edit: I love Bangkok just never heard someone call it practical.

Thank you haha. I’ve been around Asia a bit and tourist places don’t bring a smile to my face like a more authentic experience. Buscalan was an interesting experience and I did want Whang Ods signature but I’m happy with what I got instead (Tulgao experience). I don’t need three dots on my arm (I did get other kalinga tattoos tho).

I really encourage everyone instead of going to Buscalan there are many more villages with their own interesting culture still happening especially in the Tinglayan area. I just happened upon Tulgao. I got to attend the pre wedding celebration and they also have a huge waterfall with hot springs. Had the whole place to myself and my gf. If you want to go DM me.

Recently I went to Buscalan and Whang Od wasn’t there. I was actually glad she was in Tabuk because Buscalan wasn’t so crowded and her “grand nieces” were very nice to us and focused solely on us most of the day because there were very little tourists. The weekend after I took a bus to Tinglayan proper then a habal habal to Tulgao Village. They told me no foreign tourist had been there since before COVID. I got to attend a pre wedding celebration (looks similar to canao based on research). They also taught me way more about kalinga/igorot culture than I learned in Buscalan. It was a true Kalinga experience. I don’t think I’ll ever return to Buscalan because I have issues with forcing an old lady to tattoo hours on end every day without proper sleep or food (saw a video where tourists were forcing her not to leave to eat). However I will return to Tulgao to help the people and truly experience Kalinga culture again. If anyone would like to go there I can give you the name of the Barangay Captain for Tulgao West.

This right here. He’s got to play the bell curve of drinks vs strokes gained.

Such a heart warming post. I moved out of town for a bit but will be back in the summer. Maybe I can reach out then?

Bro she is skiing at Heavenly. She definitely has a phone but it is likely she didn’t have service.

Edit: or she left it with a friend