“Everything in life is about sex. Except for sex. Sex is about power.”

—someone once

They’re not going to let him win even if he still could. Seems like a radical approach is the only rational one

if this is the end of democracy then shouldn't dems do whatever it takes? (They'll do absolutely nothing, of course.)

This can totally work as well. Not joking just go to the place you want to work and tell them that you are working there now and just start working. Eventually they'll start paying you. People admire initiative.

man they have everything. horse-shoeing, rodeo, algae growing, indoor agriculture, nursing and a million other health worker jobs, welding, HVAC, wind energy, on and on and on.

are very attached to salsa music but that doesn’t make it part of their culture

Sorry but it does. Cultures change, and incorporate stuff from neighboring cultures all the time.

Sorry I was talking about the house itself and its construction. When you build it yourself, the bank thinks it’s risky because you’re not a builder

Consider the fact that it will be unsalable because no bank will give buyer a loan for it. So cash sale will be only option

Yeah I love records but this is just elitism

The vast majority cannot afford records or a record player and/or it’s just impractical

Hit up the community colleges

They will turn your phlebotomist certification into higher paying jobs

Tons of demand for healthcare people

Yep. A White one saved me doing stucco in the summer, w carhartt shorts and worx shoes

Take it to the cops there might be a cold case from a murder in that house, where they never found the bullet

Or maybe the shooting happened at the sawmill IDK