A revelation that happened last season, he's been this good since then. It's why he was picked after all.

The stars don't seem as good because the quality of the average footballer has actually gone up massively. When the baseline is much higher, there's not as much of a gap between the best and the rest.

Mexico and Canada sound nice but I'm not sure about the middle bit

Jay's dad voted reform, Jay himself voted for Lord Binface

The 4th? Weird, that's a day we spend celebrating a huge bullet dodged

Farage's victory speech gave me horror film chills


Brits use mileage for road distance too

:PL:Premier League

Technically, you can make the case that Arsenal lost the title from Mudryk's goal against them, which is hilarious.

If you were take away just that one goal from the record, Arsenal win the league.

I don't see how a pen is more luck based though tbh. It's a test of your shooting skill under pressure.

If you hit it in the corner with enough speed or fool the keeper with a stutter/Panenka it's impossible to save. If you get it wrong it's because you fucked it up. I don't see where luck comes into it.

KDH is a good player but he doesn't fit the criteria of what people actually mean when they say we need some experience at all. For starters he's only 25 with only 59 appearances in a top league.

For context, both Caicedo and Gallagher have more appearances in the Prem despite being younger.

People normally mean a veteran of the elite leagues when they talk about experience for a club like Chelsea, preferably a "seasoned winner".

Not a dude with less than 60 appearances in the top league who's only 25

If you watch MOTD, Lineker almost always signs off with a pun based on a players name or a silly joke about a team based on that day's play. Here's one I found on youtube:


He signs off like this almost every time.

He finished the season with 3 in a row for us iirc too.

Those spices actually kill bacteria, very smart.

It's not embarrassing at all. People getting so triggered by it is the embarrassing part.

The BBC is a huge entity with many different departments and the Sports parts have never been taken as seriously as the news for instance and actually has a long held tradition of joking round, especially the football.

They're always bantering Micah Richards for example or Lineker is making his silly puns. The purpose of showing the sport is entertainment and supposed to be light overall.

That can happen but I really wouldn't class this as bullying in any way whatsoever. It's a small, silly joke about missing a penalty, it isn't even approaching bullying. Lineker makes stupid puns out of peoples names all the time on MOTD.

A disgrace? Lmao, that's soft as fuck. It's a harmless joke, Lineker makes stupid puns out of peoples names all the time on MOTD. It's not that serious.

The badge always seems to look cheap and nasty with Nike