No. Wasting time is an abstract construct. We all die within a finite amount of time so none of it can be wasted if we look at the idea logically

I told her I think DMT and LSD are the only two things worth doing and she's fine with it

I hope trump is elected and this country is utterly destroyed. It's what the people who live here deserve for being such cretins

Yeah. I think people are making it out to be some ineffable bullshit because they failed the test or something. It's usually set at 130-135+ IQ and that's it.

In the words of Bill Evans, it's better to practice 2 tunes for 48 hours than 48 tunes for 2 hours

I need to just point out that you're saying that evolution isn't believable to you but humans popping into existence fully formed with a god who looks like a human with a dual purpose air and food hole mouth with little bones for chewing up food in his mouth makes more sense to you.

You probably have unresolved trauma or parental abuse that made you like that

Actually keys used to have specific characters that were lost when the tuning system became more even. There are cool demonstrations on YouTube about the different tuning systems. The guy will play the same piece on stage with 3 different pianos using the historical tuning systems to illustrate just how tense C# was etc.

I'd usually do 3-4 hours in one sitting. I work better hyper focused for a long time.


When I took lessons I'd usually have an hour practice before the lesson to make sure all of the assignments were done and presentable on a first pass at the lesson.

I'd usually take 2 days off a week with 4-6 hour practices the other 4 days.

Bach inventions can be a lot harder than their suggested grade level

I like them buff or thick only. Skinny does nothing for me

Oh yeah I absolutely hate sci Fi movies that fail the plausibility test.

The worst offenders are bad time travel movies. And the best ones are... Good time travel movies. Lol.

But then there's always the problem with the fact that they never explain how you could jump to the same place on earth even though the earth is moving at 130,000 mph through the cosmos

If you're going to cuck someone you should ask first

Moms are way better anyway

Just a thought, they should get an AI option that can sound like various actors or famous people. Imagine having an Arnold swartzenegger voice telling you to "GET TO THE PELICAN!!!"

Would be so dope

These folks deserve public beatings

Wait for updates lol.

I try to collect the super credits for future gear

The ped0 tendencies of like all of them is astounding. It can't just be chance

I was talking to my wife about this and our consensus is that the rich don't let other people become rich unless they are also sexual perverts that can be trusted. So it's like any cult aka religion where if you want to become one you have to be like them