If anyone is interested in a consulting contract for probability and statistical analysis, I need someone to assist. This could lead to a full-time remote position for a respected US company in the casino industry for novel products involving games of chance. Please DM me

If you suggest a prenup and they decline, and that's the reason you choose to break it off, perhaps they are not the right person

We have sanctions against Venezuela because they are a dictatorship that starves its people and uses violence against political opponents. Just like Cuba and North Korea. I have serious doubts the Venezuelan people would freely elect leaders who impoverish them, starve them, and murder them.

The problem is fiat / Keynesian economics believes in free lunches. The American economy succeeds in spite of, not because of, all of the socialist barnacles attached to it. America remains the best protector of property and the easiest place to start and grow businesses, which is why it’s the best.

Printing money, artificially constraining markets, redistribution - these are not good things and are not what makes society functional. An economy focused on these over all else will become Venezuela.

Jamaica Plain

BLM protestors marched down my street every single day for months banging drums during the pandemic. How about everyone stops making loud noises

Jamaica Plain

When are we finally going to implement knife control? It’s crazy that a guy can walk into Target or Wal Mart and buy a weapon in the home goods section that can cause a mass killing of children. We need licenses to own knives and must prevent criminals from having anything except plastic disposable utensils. This is insane

I worked with a guy who emigrated from the USSR way back. Everyone had to have a job, and if there wasn’t useful work they made up jobs. The factory he worked at had “pipe tappers” who walked around with a rubber mallot and tapped all the pipes to shake the dust off.

Jamaica Plain

I’m speculating on the long term viability of the tax, and how everyone (rich or poor) tries to save money. I’m not suggesting you shed a tear

Jamaica Plain

A lot of people I know got bit by two things. One was the plan to switch from joint returns to individual filings was nixed during the fiscal year, and second is that a lot of opinions given by accountants regarding capital gains have been ruled in the state's favor.

For example, you cannot deduct short term losses against longterm gains as is standard, so if you have 5 mil short term loss and 5 mil long term gain you still pay on the long term, which is bullshit.

My point is that the wealthy got hosed this year but the plans are all changing for next year. Will be interesting to see how this plays out over a 5 year period. Furthermore everyone is reorganizing their finances to avoid this, there are many things that can be done up to leaving the state for 6 months plus 1 day. Even with physical capital in the state there are various things that can be done. The state is slow but people with money are decisive.

Jamaica Plain

What happened to all the millionaires tax money that was supposed to be used for the T?

Jamaica Plain

It’s an element of society and an established subculture. I’m as far as you can come from that life but I’m not in support of moving them even farther underground

Jamaica Plain

If you want to follow random snippets of Boston street drama and knowledge, you can head over to r/Bostonology

Jamaica Plain

What happened to the millionaire’s tax funds?

Jamaica Plain

I don’t care about downvotes and I’m a libertarian, capitalist, etc. I love immigrants. I want as many as possible. I would prefer every illegal immigrant who wants asylum has a signed document proving someone will house them for 5 years (like we do now for legal immigrants) and perhaps a job lined up. But regardless, they will boost our economy massively. Massachusetts needs everyone willing to come here.

I will give you contrarian advice because I’m also someone who schemed a lot in my 20s before one of my ideas landed and changed my life.

It’s totally possible this could succeed. The issue is that he is green, apparently doesn’t have a track record of success, and will likely be taken advantage of by everyone.

First of all you need a competent, trusted lawyer to review everything. If you can’t afford this just stop right now. You will need long term legal representation so a trusted law firm is needed regardless. Find a lawyer and listen to what they say. Even better is a law firm who has a specialty in this exact thing (hospitality). There might be all sorts of tax advantages and tricks to make this work.

Second of all your boyfriend doesn’t have any experience in this industry. It would help massively to have already worked in the resort sector to learn the ins and outs. You’d be amazed what front desk, janitor, literally anybody who works at the resort 40 hours a week (or any job) will learn insane amounts of inside knowledge if they are tuned in to the ways the operation works.

Third, you should have the seller do an earn-out where the payment is given to them over 5 years, and they are also a contracted advisor, so your boyfriend can ask questions directly to the prior owner and they are financially incentivized to help.

Very few people are business owners. The ratio of owners to employees is 1000 to 1. People in general are risk-adverse, especially when it comes to money, and Reddit is full of average to above-average intelligence people who will never say anything other than “get a safe job and invest in index funds while driving a 20 year old Toyota until the wheels fall off” is a good strategy.

Finally, structure everything to protect your assets. If your boyfriend needs $25k, give him $35k and ensure you never have to give another penny and just accept that money is gone. Even though you plan on getting married, for that money you should be contractually written in as limited partner and protect your other assets (I mean if you are getting married anyway it just makes sense!).

If you want to DM me I will provide advice. Overall though the answer is lawyer up, protect what you have, and give only money you are 100% prepared to lose. Good luck


I guess if you'd rather pay $10k a year not to find a few hours to read basic investment strategies and buy some ETFs / Vanguard funds, more power to you. I have yet to meet a financial advisor who did anything other than what I just told you.

Correction - I did meet one who pitched me on some piece of software he clearly bought from another vendor and white labeled, so it was like "Some Guy's Financial Software Portal" which helped with "budgeting". Pleaseeee

It's not even that the service isn't necessarily useful. It's the insane pricing, where you pay them a percent of your AUM every year, which when compounded over long periods of time robs you of so much upside.

These guys make their money managing trust fund / inheritance cases and milk it every year. If you were smart enough to make a million you could read a few books (or even blogs) and create a strategy that is passive and achieves your goals.

Now if you are trying to do something strategic, likely you want a tax advisor rather than a financial planner.

Jamaica Plain

What is the scale back of the millionaire’s tax? Nothing has changed. If you mean the estate tax reform, that was to help the middle class, it didn’t assist the wealthy.

It seems like whenever information that disagrees with your prior belief appears, you dismiss it as “boring” or uninteresting. You are not someone interested in debate

No my father in law came here on a boat after communists seized Saigon. He had nothing and then became a surgeon. A very amazing story that could only happen in America. You seem to have a very dismissive attitude to people you judge as helpless.

The government spends over 60% of its money on social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and economic support for veterans. Only 12% is defense


You don’t even know the statistics on which you speak so assertively.