Hiawassee GA tent camping spot?Question

Going to Hiawassee area this weekend and hoping to find a good camping spot. Don’t want a lot of people around and a lot of the big campgrounds are completely booked. Experienced hikers/campers and we practice leave no trace

Coal Oil Point Reserve Tide Pools, is .8ft low tide too high?Nature

I want to go check out some tide pools today, but the lowest tide today is .8ft around 3 PM. Is that too high for visibility?

30f in the film industry from Atlanta here— Think lovingly about the kinds of stuff you want to make and try and make it on your own. Do not quit your day job. My recommendation would be to not dump a bunch of money into buying equipment, and rather make friends in the indie community and rent. Shoot a few short films.

The film industry is tough, the vast majority of film workers in Atlanta are below the line crew members. For unions- Lighting and grip is IATSE 479. Camera is local 600. Lighting and grip is a (somewhat) viable route to DPing, but it is also sometimes literally backbreaking work for lackluster pay (in Atlanta). You have to be fit and strong. Camera is very competitive, and it can be difficult but not impossible to start at 40. Rental houses are a good start but be ready to not make any money. Good luck.

Hmmmm that’s interesting. I wonder if it’s covering up their home smell and confusing them. Thanks for the heads up!

Park Tavern. It’s a pretty building with stellar skyline views, and would feel fancy for a kid. And then they can go run around in the park.

Is Atlanta losing out on millions of dollars in revenue each year in property taxes?

I think this article can contribute a lot to this conversation. We give serious corporate tax breaks to developers and lose out on city revenue that could go to infrastructure.

You’re place is dreamy. What’s the large tree/plant beside your couch? It’s really cool.

If the practicals are in the shot as a set decoration, in a lamp, or a way to add depth, I would go low wattage, 25W so it doesn’t fight with your actual lighting and it just adds a little pop on screen. If the practicals are going in the ceiling to actually light your short, I would go from 250W or even 500W. Take into consideration your overall mood, how bright you want your scene, and most importantly color temperature.

Thanks for the in-depth reply. I feel the exact same way about lighting versus working in camera. It was instantaneous the way I was naturally drawn to it.

My last question would be, did you work in camera long before becoming a DP?

Thanks again!

Hey there, I’m a female working in G&E, primarily in electric. My end goal is to be a DP.

From the look of your website, it looks like you went the Gaffer to DP route. How did you get an education about camera? Any resources you could share?

How was the transition from Gaffer to DP?

I joined bar/tour staff for just a summer before. With summer being exponentially busier at most breweries, they could potentially need a seasonal worker. I would also help with packaging/bottling on some mornings for beer AND money. Don’t offer to work for free, that’s silly. If you’re personable, genuinely interested in learning about beer, sharing it with people, and don’t mind working long hours on your feet, it’s a very fun job.

It doesn't. But it's known that he has now relocated to Miami. People found his new social media. Same as OP, I'm just trying to explain who he is and to give any warning to women who may encounter him on dating apps, or people connected to the arts scene.

If she blocked you, I would assume she is not into you. You started a natural conversation, and she immediately cut ties and did not respond. While her reasoning is her own, I would move on. Her looking at you probably does not mean anything.

When pursuing girls, remember that it's okay to shoot your shot, but if they are not interested, and respond by blocking you, then you should back off and not continue pursuing them. Don't get hung up on this one, you have all the time in the world!

I know yolo I'm leaving it up I love my haters


Real chefs? Don't wear gloves? Sounds like a reflection of wherever you worked 10 years ago. Or some anecdotal bs.

I've worked in multiple restaurants. Proper restaurants have their chefs washing hands, wearing gloves, and changing them frequently throughout the night. Fiancé is a head chef. Super strict about it too.

Edit: per all these downvotes I am wrong as fuck. Fiancé JUST got home from dinner service and he said I am wrong as well. REALLY WRONG. ONLY WHEN HANDLING RAW MEAT USUALLY. Chefs don't wear gloves. We should make herd immunity stronger and never wash our hands too. This is what I'm calling for. Burn the gloves! They're pointless!!! I am very wrong sorry!!!!

I get that... but I'm at the mercy of blind trust when a medical professional doesn't use gloves. I can't follow them into the bathroom.

While I get that gloves are to protect him from disease, people can have fecal bacteria on their hands. If he touched a door knob, or just checked his phone before I walked in, then stuck his hands in my mouth that's still spreading bacteria. While I may not get a serious disease, it's still gross as hell. I imagine you want your chefs at restaurants wearing gloves? It's not to protect them as much as it is to ensure your food is prepared as safely as possible.

Thanks for this. Even though it was uncomfortable, looking back I believe he's a nice guy and probably isn't doing it maliciously. Just unaware. I will say something next time.

  1. This happened in the 1930s but I still want to leave a yelp review

I lived in Ubon Ratchathani. Not a huge nightlife but cool nature stuff, great food, and a real isaan experience. It's near Pakse Laos as well. But.. it's really tiny and not a whole lot of things to do. I visited Khon Kaen and it had a much bigger farang nightlife, way more partying and a bigger city. Udon Thani is near Laos, and could be really fun for visiting Vang Vien or the capital or even Chang Mai, I don't know how fun the city is though. I would probably stick to one of those two. Korat would be my last recommendation, it's the second biggest city and may be a little more high end in accommodations and accessibility. It is in the middle of the country, kinda close to Khao Yai national park. I don't know if it's a full on isaan experience though.

My best advice for saving money would be wait for finding an apartment until you're there. Most Thais don't really use Airbnb and really just use word of mouth for apartments. You'll probably pay way more to book an Airbnb. I would go and check out a city, stay in a hotel, you can get a nice one for $10 US a night, and ask around until you find something. Go to the farang bars and ask bartenders, they'll know English and I'm sure they can point you the right way.

There are tons of old nasty expats that act like Thai women are SO INTO THEM, and further this idea that all Thai women want in a relationship with a farang is money. There are some prostitutes in BKK and Pattaya, looking to get out of sex work through a nasty old man marriage, but majority of Thai women are not expecting you to fund their lives. That being said, treat them like you would anyone else, they're literally normal women and don't try and make giant sweeping assumptions about them.

Healthcare. I got 4 stitches once and it cost me $6. Going to the hospital is cheap but in Isaan the healthcare quality will be low regardless. They can patch you up from a motorbike fall but if you need major surgery.... good luck.

Most Thai cities have city centers that are walkable, and then sections that aren't. Most people use motorbikes. Public transit in cities is Song Tao pickup truck buses. Didn't speak enough isaan to successfully utilize them. Didn't really try that hard though. Super easy to catch greyhound looking buses to other cities though.

Oh okay. Yes that definitely adds more context into the level of engagement. And I can see how he's most likely not actively trying to connect with her, it's more about the tight knit person community built around her.

But still...watching daily streams and potentially "donating" money, talking with people that are all centered around this cosplayer... doesn't that seem like a bit more than a celebrity crush??

As social media connects us more intimately to people, I think it's an easy to write this off as a celebrity crush, when really, it's demanding a MUCH higher and intimate role from a viewer than a dude thinking Megan Fox is really hot in Transformers.

She's also not a celebrity? With 300 followers? Sorry to revert back to what I know, but it's like a regular... social media account for a normal person. Even if ALL you're using it for is to catch up with random people in the comment section??

I think everyone has boundaries in a relationship, and those extend online. Masturbating to porn? Usually okay. Camgirl sex? Usually not. Following a celebrity online because sexy hot lady? Usually okay. Giving money and intimately tuning in frequently with a random girl with a small following? I don't know. It feels like toeing a line. I personally wouldn't be cool with it.

These boundaries are different for every relationship. I think it's up to OP to examine how far this thing goes, how emotionally connected he is to the cosplayer and the community built around a person, whose not really famous, and how comfortable she is with it. Especially if he's giving money or big chunks of his life to this girl's live streams.

I think that following attractive people, or having a celebrity crush is pretty harmless. If you and your husband have a healthy conversation and joke about yours, that's when I feel it's normal. It would be weird to be restrictive when it comes to celebrity crushes because they are supposed to be silly and in the absolute realm of unattainable. Passively viewing someone's content, when literally everyone on earth seems to posts social media content is okay.

Full disclaimer, I'm not on Twitch so I have no idea how it works. I think though that him messaging her, especially with her having a small following, is starting to toe the line. It's not a celebrity crush, he is trying to interact with an actual woman. How much of her content is her just being in character? Is he a HUGE fan of the character or something? It's not something that he knows will get lost in a sea of admiring comments on a picture, he's trying to connect in a more real time. He's watching her streams all the time. Is it because she posts entertaining quality content, or is her fan base a bit more male gazing in love fanboy dudes?

I think that you have to decide if it's a harmless celebrity crush or if he's actually using her as an everyday escape, more similar to an infatuation. There's a difference between the two, and I think you know that. Yes, she's probably unattainable and probably not interested in your husband but is he actively trying to connect and pursue her? Probably not a healthy behavior.