You can do it!

The two options I've seen people do are:

  • mad dash somehow (I wouldn't recommend for a few reasons)
  • cautiously keep moving and try to anticipate what the xeno to do. Eventually you'll get better at this and you'll be able to move around a bit more freely.

I played as bass with room mates on PS3 and the only song I truly couldn't last through was hysteria. I had to swap with guitar for that one song.

I think a lot of the great immersion and gameplay mechanics that were new to DS3 were overshadowed by some of the strange story decisions and micro transactions.

I loved the crafting mechanics. They fit perfectly in-universe, but in gameplay they weren't well balanced. I loved walking around with an overpowered gun after searching like mad for all the parts, but even before that the only enemies that required much extra effort were the fodder because of their stupid invulnerability frames during their transformation. But Isaac feeling like he's scrounging for parts and building whatever he can to survive fits so perfectly.

The unique co-op experience was brilliant and honestly underused. I've heard people say it makes the game less challenging, and that's a little true until you get to the unique aspects, but I enjoyed the gameplay, and honestly I liked Carver too.

Really the love triangle and Ellie's changes and the talking moons were the only things I'm not a big fan of. I didn't even hate Norton for the betrayal, I hated him for being such a bag of dicks the whole game. Ellie practically became a damsel in distress after holding her own through DS2, and her visual changes seemed like they were trying to pander to a specific demographic that probably wouldn't have picked this franchise in the first place. Moons, sure, but talking moons... Come on...

Anyway, negatives aside, I have more time in DS3 than I do in DS1, DS2, and DSR combined because I really enjoyed the co-op, and the idea of enjoying one of my favorite franchises with others.

Shield Hero starts out that way but has a turning point where it feels like it gets watered down. Still a great show.

Yes, but do it shitty...

You're correct, but you missed the sub's title. We're here for wrong answers and sarcasm 🤣

I put more time in BOTW than TOTK for sure, but a solid few months of playing TOTK and all I'm saying is I enjoyed BOTW more in regards to how it made me feel about exploration and traversal. That's not meant to take away from all the other amazing things about TOTK.

I bought the game on launch day and played for a few months. I did all the main quests leading up to the depths under the castle and went in once and got stopped at the door by the big mob right before Ganondorf (skill issue). I put the game down and haven't gone back.

I might venture for a second playthrough eventually, but i've already explored quite a bit, albeit with tons of fast travel.

Sickle appreciator here.

I also don't usually bring support weapons. My load out is eagle air strike, orbital laser, guard dog rover, and either auto cannon sentry or sometimes quasar if I'm hunting titans.

The rover does great to point me to the enemy when there's visibility issues, or just take care of smaller enemies entirely, or if one tries to sneak up behind me (stalkers), or if I'm just not paying enough attention.

The orbital laser takes out chargers for me, and I think titans also, but I only tried that once and might have already damaged it. Sometimes I'll use it on groups or bug nests, but it doesn't consistently take out bug holes (usually it's luck if it does).

I can solo difficulty 3 pretty consistently, and sometimes even 4, and in a decent squad I'm usually fine up to around difficulty 6. Anything above 6 I still struggle with, but I'll call it a skill issue.

Need more info here.

Do you have [email protected] and have setup [email protected] to forward emails? If so, how did you set this up? The answer to that may affect what you'll need to do to keep things.

If you don't have [email protected] and only have [email protected] and you login to with that custom address, you're using Google workspace. If you're not paying for Google workspace then it's probably included in your web hosting, and you'd probably need to contact both Google and your web host to ask if a transfer is even possible (you taking over paying for Google workspace) but usually the answer here is exporting everything from your account and creating a new one and importing (not everything is transferrable, for example Google Play store purchases).

If it's some other setup I haven't mentioned, you'll need to describe it in detail to get a decent recommendation.

I have a @gmail address and a Google workspace @customdomain address and have it forward mail to my @gmail address. I don't recommend this as it costs money for Google workspace. I'm likely going to switch this to a simple email forwarding service. This will probably be the safest long term option as I don't rely on the email forwarding service (I can always replace it with another) and technically if I ever part from my @gmail account I can sign up for any other email inbox and still receive mail sent to my custom domain by simply adjusting where the forwarding service sends the mail. This would also likely be cheaper than paying for Google workspace, especially as their prices continue to rise over the years.

This was BOTW for me. One of the first things I did was b-line to every map tower, and yes there was some fast travel while accomplishing that, but most of the rest of the game I spent exploring. I did everything in that game except the master trials (skill issue) and getting all 900 koroks.

TOTK was a different story. I couldn't imagine not fast traveling. Right towards the beginning of the game they stick you in the depths and it took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize I could fast travel back to where I needed to continue the quest, and if I hadn't I probably would have just been stuck down there. I think there's only a small handful of ways out without fast traveling. That changed how I played the rest of the game, and made me sad. It felt like exploration was discouraged or even punished. There were a ton of small zones with a lot to do, but why bother taking the long way to get there? Also in TOTK I feel like the aerial traversal is a pseudo fast travel, which contributed to less exploration. Aerial traversal only felt like exploration when it was to make your way to a new sky island. Using it to get somewhere new on the surface was basically fast travel. BOTW didn't feel that way, even though you could glide from high places, it wasn't really more beneficial than exploring on land.

I would purchase your domain from a registrar you trust, and keep domain purchasing separate from web hosting and other services.

That said, I don't see any reason you couldn't transfer the free domain out to another registrar, but if you aren't 100% confident (thus asking Reddit) I wouldn't risk it. Buy your domain from a good registrar and take the free domain as a bonus you might get to keep but won't be sad if you lose.

Can you try uploading just one file? See if you succeed with just a basic text file.

Check your host control panel for disk/storage usage. Might be something up there.

+1 for porkbun

Cloudflare is amazing, but they have had some recent drama around sales, customer service, and account closure. They have amazing products in their free tier, and I do recommend using their nameservers and DNS, but to be safe I'm moving all of my domains from their registrar to porkbun.

I did a lot of research on various registrars, including looking into who owns each one. Porkbun came out on top. I also used to use namesilo and have no issues with them, but I liked porkbun's history when I went digging.

Tldr: don't put all your eggs in one basket. Domain registration, DNS, web hosting, email, etc can all be separated and easily replaced if something goes wrong, but the most important of those eggs is to pick a registrar you trust.

If I bought the standard edition and earned enough super credits to unlock the steeled veterans war bond (and did) and am considering the deluxe edition; 1) can I get deluxe for $20, or am I looking at $60? 2) since I've already unlocked steeled veterans, will I get super credits for another war bond instead?

If I can pay $20 to upgrade and get credits for another war bond, that's not too bad, but if I'm stuck with $60 or if I can't get another war bond out of it then I'm probably not going deluxe.

Every post I've looked at today has been a repost (probably bots). WTF is up with so many reposts lately? (Not specific to this sub BTW)

Didn't look to be raining 💦💀

I heard it in my head

You can run something like ddclient on a separate device and have more control than what your router will when it comes to detecting your IP.

Good catch on the incorrect link, I was caught up with the previous question 😅

Anyway if your browser shows the same address as nextdns I would look into what's going on with how your router does detection, or check if there's some kind of proxy like cloud flare masking your IP through your ddns provider.


Watch the first movie, then you can either watch the second movie or play the game in whichever order you'd prefer. Chronologically the game happens between the first and second movie, but knowing that doesn't spoil anything, and playing the game after watching the second movie doesn't affect either experience negatively.

Once you've done those things, if you find you still want more from the franchise, the 3rd and 4th movies are worth watching, but don't quite hit the nail on the head like the first two. Prometheus and Covenant are prequels and have a different vibe, but are pretty well made honestly.

If you get through all that, the next best thing if you still want more is the TV series "Raised by Wolves". It's entirely unrelated to the Alien franchise, but made by the same creator, and it shows in a lot of ways.

If you're still after even more, then I would start with the Predator movies in release order. Prey (the last one) is really good, and can be watched without any context from the others.

Lastly, if you just want to consume everything, avp 1&2 can be enjoyed as just a spin off if you don't try to do the mental gymnastics to make them fit canonically.

Years before things like the steam deck or Nintendo switch existed I played Diablo 3 on a touch screen 2-in-1 laptop with only a stylus from start to finish. I tried later playing on keyboard/mouse and didn't really enjoy it as much.