I still can't believe she doesn't want to go to college or something like that.

What 13 yr old dreams of going to college? lol. No one wants to study more. Maybe they dream of becoming a vet or racetrack staff but kids at the age of 13 don’t sit at the edge of their seat thinking about how they want to go to college.

IMO your best option is to just support her falling short of letting her go off to Korea to be a trainee at some unknown company. Let her take lessons after school in singing/dance/music/learning the Korean language, let her go to kpop auditions hosted in your country, and just sit back, relax, and watch as she fails them. She’s not even half Korean, the odds are already stacked against her.

Plus this is a great way to encourage her to learn another language.

He can report it, doesn’t mean it’s a valid report. If they do an investigation all they’ll see is your work making direct deposits into that account. Aka you have proof it’s money you earned. You can’t steal your own money.

Your name is on that account anyway, you literally can’t steal from yourself. If he reports you for withdrawing money from an account you’re on, the bank will just laugh at him.

You also can withdraw the entire amount in one go if you go to the bank in person and ask for a cashier’s check in the entire amount of the account. I do this all the time when I want to close a bank account or move a large amount of funds into a CD at another bank.

Even the concerts I went to it was all Chinese people.

There are 52 million people in Korea. There are 1,412 million people in China.

Even if Kpop were/is niche in China, there are probably a lot more kpop fans in China than Korea itself based on population. Say there are 8million youths in Korea & half of those are kpop fans, of those kpop fans maybe 10% of them actually attend concerts. That’s a pool of 400,000 native Korean kpop fans who can afford to attend concerts. Now imagine a similar situation for China with even stricter parameters. You’ve got 220million youths below age 17 in China and say 25% (instead of 50%) are kpop fans, even if only 1% (instead of 10%) can travel and attend a kpop concert that’s still 550,000 Chinese kpop fans, way more in number than Korean kpop fans. I’m pulling these numbers out of my butt but you get my drift? China simply has more people. More people = more fans. China is only a ~2hr flight away from Korea which is nothing in terms of travel time.

wondered why all the attention was on Biden

I bet Trump was more mad about this part 🙃

The irony that the father is literally treating his own bio kid the way foster kids may have been treated by their emotionally absent parents. I wonder if he even realizes he’s a bad parent lol.

I work night shift but readjust back to day schedule when I have a good chunk of days off. What you do is get that sleep debt, then sleep for a long time when the fun is over lol

IMO it’s safer if you let your friend drive you anyway, they’ll also probably drive you back.

I would take the power nap. Even if you can’t nap, just lay in bed and rest your body if you have to. Listen to boring YouTube lectures with your eyes closed.

I didn’t know 18mo olds could be taught the alphabet until my sister started having kids and we kept using letters like a game with them (eg where is b? What color is b?), and by 18mo they were able to identify letters & numbers up to 20s even when they couldn’t speak well. My 3yr old nephew can add & subtract numbers under 20-ish & by 10s thanks to Number Blocks on YouTube.


He was raised in the US (LA area) when he was young (from 6-12 yrs old?) & he will point out his friends in the crowd when AB6IX have concerts in LA & they come to see him.

He also hangs out with his non-idol friends in Korea. Usually people from his school days. Fans find out when his friends post their pictures with him to social media or he mentions in PMs to fans that he hung out with them.

If you take away the kpop part you’re one of many who feel this way about old/past celebrities/singers. People still get obsessed and go down rabbit holes about Michael Jackson, Marylin Monroe, Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington, etc. It’s nothing new. Music is timeless and we fall in love with artists who were never even alive during our time on earth.

BDC - db

MXM - infinite hiatus (never announced; just stopped activities when ab6ix debuted, but still listed as active artist on company page)

Also all Produce groups but these have been temp groups anyway (IOI, Wanna One, X1, Izone).

Park Woojin (AB6IX) has covered Turtle ship before (song starts around the 2min mark). As a group AB6IX did a remake of Verbal Jint’s Walking in the Rain.

NTA & block his sister. Block them all. They don’t deserve another moment of your time or money.

That’s because the lady was checking for a pulse first. You don’t know if they’re unconscious and need chest compressions or just rescue breaths. Technically she’s supposed to check for both breathing & a pulse (no breathing/no pulse = chest compressions; pulse but no breathing = rescue breaths). There’s no point doing chest compressions if they have a pulse.

Her chest compression technique sucks though, she’s not pushing deep enough.

The person doing CPR checked for a pulse at the neck, they likely didn’t find one which is why they started chest compressions only after they checked for a pulse (the correct thing to do). No pulse = cardiac arrest.


AB6IX’s Park Woojin has his own solo rap songs. He writes his own raps for his solos. He even released a solo album last year where 4/5 of the songs were in the rap genre. His other solo raps aside from the ones on the oWn EP are color eye & consolation. When he is a featured artist or collabs with other artists he also writes his own raps as well.

He will also compose music sometimes as well, although the music he composes for himself tends to be rap vs for his group which has been a ballad (Behind You) and bright track (Stay Young).

A handful of AB6IX songs. Some of these have MVs:


close (Breathe sequel)

blind for love


set you free (JPN only release)

rose (JPN only release)

love air

believe (prob the most boring one out of all their house music)

Their member Daehwi wrote 4 of the songs above, he’s good at this genre because he makes catchy melodies. I wish he wrote more but I guess he’s over it and more into pop rock nowadays lol.

AB6IX’s Daehwi posted a vlog of an album production facility on the day of their comeback (turn on Eng subs) and even packaged a stack of albums with photocards. The owner briefly goes over how the album is physically produced at the beginning of the video. If you mean in terms of designing the packaging, there are probably some vlogs by other artists out there who have filmed themselves designing their albums.

IMO most fans consider it rude and someone on twt will probably make a negative comment about it. You’re better off brining green glow sticks. Your light will also stick out in photos for being a different color and that might annoy some people. It would be okay at a festival with multiple artists but at a dedicated artist concert, no.

There are also automatic jar openers on Amazon that are pretty cheap. I bought one and use it for jars I can’t get open without straining myself.


Daehwi’s Instagram post of his pics with Bomin  look like an album concept photoshoot for a Daehwi x Bomin album collab I never knew I wanted…until now.

Also Woojin & Minhyun attending Sungwoon’s fan meeting  was so adorable!