I have started my first yt channel years ago .. never really planned anything used to remix music for fun and upload it so i could listen to it while driving and share it to some friends

caught up over 10M views so far .. music remixes barley gets monetized .. decided to run a new path and take it more serious, studied youtube as much as possible and thumbnails and script writing etc etc

and made my first video here few days ago, open to all feedback.

im here to learn as much as possible youtube and content creation in general are a universe and you never really master a percent of it therefore please provide any feedback possible


reminded me of today when i hit the 300 views on my first video

im like wait 300 ppl viewed my shit ... congrats on the 500 subs brother its a big number fr lol hope i get there soon

how good are my first video analytics? COMMUNITY

Posted my first video exactly 2 days ago .. few hours less

just hit 154 views * was 15 this morning before i changed the title *
got 2.3K impressions with 4% CTR
average view duration is 65 percent " 3:25 out of 5:13 "

shows 13 likes "92.9 percent" so im guessing i got couple or one dislike

6 comments and a total of 13 subscriber so far

but something weird is that it says views 154 but unique viewers are 5 ?

or is that because i gained 99 percent of the views within the past 2 hours?


im canadian but since america rules the world we get a saying in this right?

yeah its bernie

if i love doing anything in life is feedbacks i feel like i consumed enough content in my life that i could really give a tip or two LMFAO

but one thing for sure i give brutal honest feedback cause thats where facts "could" lie .. since im no certified expert

Your channel is really interesting .. love that type of content but your thumbnails and titles are not as good as they could be .. the content is sick and got huge fanbase but you need the right title and thumbnail to hit their feed

try using manipulation in photoshop somehow or getting posters done show the characters the cars or the lights but composite them in a good catchy thumbnail .. just try it once and trust me you wont regret it

two, your latest video " thats a lot of ham" does not trigger no curiosity for the viewer to actually click on the video

thats my honest opinions .. do with this info what you like i could be absolutely wrong but i really pay attention to smallest details in any business i get in

THIS !!!

deep and real af .. been putting all i could knowing its there so ONE DAY it gets views .. not day one .. one day

First video been uploaded for few days, NOT RANDOMLY started pulling views after i did thisCOMMUNITY

Before anything the video is sitting at 72 views from 16 views one hour ago

so the numbers are not crazy but i thought i should share this piece of info it could help many of you

posted my first video on youtube 2 days ago, checked an hour ago had 5 subs, and 16 views with 4 comments

i knew my video quality was good and thumbnail was catchy but didnt know why the video barely had any impressions so i decided to change the title

"my crazy brain thought thumbnails are to catch the viewers attention, title is for them to click on it .. or for the algo to figure out who to send the video to " which is why i decided to change the title and see

im so happy i did lol .. in hour like literally one hour

gained well over 7 subs, few likes and comments with over 50 views just by changing the title

Went from "The internet is a ticking bomb" to "The internet has gone insane, heres why. "

though numbers are low but im still so happy its my first video and got this in two days

so yeah thought i'd share this info, do with it what you could <3 good luck everyone

ps. to show the power of titles, i decided to play the same game in this post title " after i did this" to see if line also triggers curiosity

30 views and over in couple days is actually great and dont listen to anyone that says otherwise

impressions good, ctr might be low here so maybe you should work on thumbnails or titles, something that makes the viewer click .. trigger curiosity somehow

30 percent view duration is also good .. but i'd avoid sending it to friends or family that never watches vlogs in general or those that might not watch the whole thing

let the algo figure things out for you and you focus on upgrading thumbnails, editings etc

not really, i mean you could use decentralized routes like kamino jito or other platforms where u could generate similar to better sometimes apy

just delete and reupload as schedule

having the entire plan ready for over 2 years sitting in my google doc

then i saw someone started doing the same thing and first video blew up to 1M views got me pissed at myself for not even actually pulling the trigger this whole time and how i keep seeing others achieve my dream lol

ChatGPT Rephrase this to me in a conservative way:

Sure, When did you first start craving a massive c*** in your a**hole

when did u start? how many vids are up so far?

thats true, but i meant for those who for example are on a level of making better content than 90 percent of ppl without putting as much effort

a friend of mine never launched a channel but been learning editing and practicing writing with professionals because hes going to launch a documentary channel and he plans on advertising the first video everywhere tho i told him theres no point sometimes u just gotta post which is what im doing

every video repeat the skills u used the video before and add a new thing to it .. within a year you will be surprised by the results rather study editing and scripting for a year lmao

Can i use different sizes for slot 2 and 4 ?Question

I run on 16 GB RAM pc two slots are occupied with 2x 8GB 2666MHz DDR4

can i add 32 GB RAM on the other 2 slots with 2x 16GB ? and if yes do they have to be 2666 MHz as well?

looked everywhere and seems to be confusion regarding the mixing concept some says its fine others say it can fry your pc lol

i use adobe premiere pro a lot and my pc been laggy lately RAM capacity always near full what should i do?

Youtube algorithm barley pushes its own videos i noticedCOMMUNITY

was watching this video on " Youtube Movies and TV" its a documentary

using vidIQ tool noticed, the video didnt get picked by the algo till 6 months later

and its a youtube own upload .. meaning ...

dont give up and always post videos improve one thing at a time in each

and keep going, one day that video will get picked, make sure when it does you have what it takes within it to keep them hooked and get them to subscribe

knowing youtube hardly favor first uploads, would you put 100 percent effort in the first video? COMMUNITY

If you've done enough research you could tell good editing for faceless channels can take you days

would you cut shorts and put less effort to maximize the upload speed ( to 3-4 vids a week ) at least for the first period until the algo picks up

or would you still put 100 percent effort even if it takes longer because you know in the future someone will watch it ?