Mouse latency/smoothing/acceleration fix?Discussion

Does anyone know what's going on with the mouse in this game and if there is a known fix? I tried changing as many settings as I could and it still feels floaty and inconsistent with my mouse movement, like a console port originally built for controller input or a mobile game port built for touchscreens. It even seems to have some delay, smoothing or accel in menus and the x/y ratio also seems out in game.

Is there a config file I can edit to fix this? The game seems promising, I'd like to play but I just can't with this mouse input.

Don't bother commenting if you want to talk about DnD I couldn't care less about that game and it has nothing to do with anything.

This is so beautiful from a neuroscience perspective, it shows that we are so closely related genetically that our brains work basically the same. I love our soft sharp cousins so much

real talk this is why Japan works as a society despite being a mmo grind so hard people literally die of overwork, the level of common decency and human kindness is off the charts

I asked you to stop doing that

That's a much better answer and that is a huge problem in OCE, but I'm specifically taking about leaving empty lobbies once they're about to start (or empty dungeons) so I don't think it really applies to what I'm talking about.

That's all fine, but a 5 minute matchmaking ban for leaving an empty normals lobby once the start countdown has begun or leaving an empty dungeon only serves to reduce the number of people playing by one and make the matchmaking pool smaller. It has no benefit at all to matchmaking.

What's the point of the 5 minute leaving penalty in empty normal lobbies?:Question: Question

We already lose all equipped gear, why also have a 5 minute penalty if I leave a game that's completely empty?

I play this game for the PvP, and if a game is about to start with nobody but me in a lobby I'm going to quit the match. I don't want to play this game single player. Personally, I'm not going to wait for such a pointless match leaving penalty or try to play a game that punishes me when it doesn't have enough players for a match, I just alt-f4'd and I'll play a different game today.

Doesn't that also seem like a problem for the longevity of the game? If your game doesn't have enough players online, the last thing you want to do is discourage people from playing (OCE servers are already suffering from empty lobbies in high roller and in normal outside of peak hours).

bro needs to step up his mindfulness game, weak ass virgin can't even focus his mind on experiencing being

idk man I don't think I can believe there's 1 window type in all of Europe, I'm Australian though so what the fuck do I know

You can buy frames that hook into windows for the window box type ones without any permanent installation but yea you're right in a sense because a lot of people don't know that

never heard of them, sounds cringe

I just fuckin hate portable air conditioners

Portable air conditioners are such a regarded product, they constantly push air outside which sucks hot air back in to replace it. It's like setting up a window box or split system aircon then adding a fan duct that blows hot outside air into your room. They produce cold air but in the dumbest possible way.

I just moved to NSW from QLD, I thought they were illegal down here so I've not been riding. Have you been hassled by cops?

All my life I've wondered when I would start having fun, turns out I've already been having type 3 for the last 30 years

Kinda deserved it, who the fuck repeatedly kicks someone in the head that isn't trying to get up

a hole that everyone pisses in smells bad

incels: it's because no one has sex with me