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Pinnedby warden_nesModerator:warden: Warden
Dev Q&A Tuesday 9PM EST/1AM GMT - What questions do you have?:News: News

Once again, I will be speaking with Terry and SDF about Dark and Darker’s current status and future plans.

If there’s something you’d like to know more about, please post your questions here and I will put them together for Tuesday’s chat.

Pinnedby OnepegMG
Ironmace, it’s time for account-wide questing. :Disscussion: Discussion

I understand features like gear becoming looted off bodies and the shared storage is good changes for questing but I will literally offer my first born if you give me account wide questing.

I’ve once yet to complete a single full quest line from a vendor due to wanting to playing multiple characters.

I can’t think of ANY scenario where account wide questing WOULDN’T be beneficial to the game and don’t hit me with “oh but the XP is so good for alts” bull crap. You can level your alternate characters in no time just farming PVE.

PLEASE iron mace. It’s so annoying to do quest on one character half way through the season, then get bored of that character and have to start over on another.

Heatmap of the base stats of each classes:Barricade: Builds

I wanted to visualize the differences between each classes base stats so I made a heatmap. I thought I would share in case someone is interested as well!


by Cherlokoms:RogueFlair: Rogue
We got bullied last night:Disscussion: Discussion

My boys and I suck at this game but we had been saving up gold all week. Finally we decided to buy kits and go into high roller for the first time. I really wanted to experience a legendary item so I spent 499 gold on a legendary morning star, just to see what it was like.

As soon as we loaded into the pre game lobby, some dude came up and checked my gear.

Then he said, “Give me the morning star or we will come and kill you.” Obviously I didn’t give him the morning star.

About two minutes into the game, this squad roles in and absolutely melted us. I didn’t even get to try the morning star out. As he was killing us he told me I should’ve listened to him and surrendered the morning star.

If this was you: go fuck yourself dude. I have a family and a mortgage, I only get to play a few hours a week. That took us so long to save up for and you made this game less fun.

by ooiie:FighterFlair: Fighter
Feelings in the new looting body timer? 1st time fair, but the 2nd/3rd is painful:Disscussion: Discussion

Like, I get you don't know what they have, it takes time to search, but if I'm looting, get in a fight, kill them, start looting again. Taking so long to swap between the two bodies it becomes, so painful. Like, first search I understand taking time to stop people just grabbing meds and keep fighting. But the 3rd time into a body because I moved just out of range to dodge a goblin is annoying-

Any thoughts, or ideas it could be better for the system? Cause while I agree it's needed I think it's, super harsh rn.

Broke the code:Funni: Humor

if you happen to read this "AdaggerTV" you broke my trust. how dare you break the code. You threw your arms in the air AND crouch spammed only, i reciprocated with the same. we both went separate ways only to have you turn around 10 seconds later and stealth stab me in the back.. the audacity... you broke the code and i can no longer trust anyone anymore. my life is ruined

I really like the long interaction timer change on enemy bodies, but I wish it worked like a container.:Disscussion: Discussion

I think this is a great change that adds a lot of risk looting a player body and prevents you from freely looting all of the heals mid-fight (or a rat from swooping in and stealing everything worth taking in an instant). That said, I do wish bodies functioned like other loot containers. Once you’ve interacted with them, they become “open” and you can freely open them again without the interact timer. If you want to prevent other people from being able to freely interact, you can “close” them again.

by hausuCat_:FighterFlair: Fighter
I'm having a blast, my friends are not:Disscussion: Discussion

Now this too might be labeled under ''skill issue'', like pretty much everything on here.
But I just got curious and thought maybe it'll spark a conversation.

Is the game TOO hard on new players? I have introduced 4 friends to this game and all of them played, died,died, died and uninstalled. They are hardcore gamers, some play Tarkov and other extraction games for example, so they are no stranger to difficult games.

The main complaint/grief I've heard from them is basically that the game is too (try)hard and ruthless to have any actual fun. The maps are super dark (which I think is the point, but can see their point as well), mobs are damage sponges and the players too blood thirsty to the point of ridiculousness.

I'm really enjoying the game though, while I have my own occasional grievances which usually stem from my mistakes ingame and frustrations of unlucky situations, I know it's early access, still in development and maybe I'm just a masochist.

I have just seen and heard so much complaint about the learning curve and difficulty of the game from friends and online for it ALL to be nonsense and a ''git gud''-issue. What do you think?

by elhumanoid:RangerFlair: Ranger
Desync feels so bad rn :Disscussion: Discussion

Desync feels so bad rn to the point you cannot react to anything, you have to anticipate swings if you want to dodge.

By the time they start swinging on your screen they are almost hitting you on their screen

It wasn't so bad last wipe. What's going on?

This game sold me on my first day :Funni: Humor

My first day as a FTP player had an hour of rough duos with a friend. No extractions, annihilated in ever PvP. Was a bad day. He got mad and logged off. I am hard headed so I stayed in with the mindset of “I will learn this game at least a little bit before I stop playing”

First solo game, I had a game with a player “SirJesusOfNazareth”. We had a team of two clerics and a Druid. Went around holding prayer sermons and slaying heretics who dared to lash out at the Son of God. I was laughing hysterically anytime my mic wasn’t toggled to yell at heretics.

I’ve since gotten better at the game, but that first day set the tone for me that even if I’m not having a good loot day, this game can still be fun if you just play a bit.

TL;DR I like to talk and I met Jesus
