I wouldn’t say billionaires cause individual people problems but the system that enables them and their bullshit certainly does. Not only that but they could SOLVE a lot of the worries problems but instead choose to sit on their ever increasing mountain of cash simply to see how big it’ll get

Were you bullied as a kid? Or maybe you have super high empathy like me. I don’t like this either

If it makes you feel any better, with how many steroids this guy has done I can pretty much guarantee he is in pain most of the day. And it won’t get better as he gets older. To look like that you gotta put your body through a lot

It’s very clearly half sugar…

This strikes me as ragebait. No company or manager or owner could possibly be THIS heartless

Oozes fake. Still funny as a skit

:bos2: Boston Red Sox

You don’t get bounce from being toit. Need a bit of loosey goosey ness

Panama also played incredibly dirty. Don’t know why weah hit that guy but it wasn’t for no reason. Then we’re down a man and they injured our goalkeeper. Nasty, dirty fouls the entire game were being allowed. This tournament is a farce after that poorly called game and especially the Uruguay game and it’s horrible ref

Well for those moments he isn’t all that much younger. They use an actual kid for when he’s an actual kid

No one HAD you do anything and obviously most of the accessible work is prints when it takes 25 hours to make a single shirt. You sound like an idiot

Offside by a fucking god damn mile

:Patriots: Patriots

Not in the fucking playoffs, they were a totally different group… of fucking course

:Patriots: Patriots

The NFL hands them several victories every year with blown calls and questionable/baffling decisions. NFL needs its new GOAT after Brady

He legitimately broke his toe… that shit hurts. He’ll fight again he loves money and fame and being in The spotlight

Yeah all the girls still look intriguing young when they are supposed to be aged in the picture. Very off putting, but cool for the kids. As long as the teacher didn’t do anything creepy

You can see the arrow pass behind the tower through a gap at the end of the video. He definitely just launched it over

Yea I mean you have to assume it’s based on common responses from people who haven’t experienced what the world truly has to offer by way of horrendous aromas