Ah yes George Washington famously chopped down an apple tree

Excellent use of ship of Theseus as a verb here

It’s great when a really aggressive dog tries to take her head off and she’s just like, “sir.”

I chose that option on my current run and people in other factions still refer to me as a member of constellation. It’s… vexing.

I think you might be underestimating the ability of professional actors to compartmentalize a character they’re playing


Right???? It’s crazy to me that people are mad about it. They get to play and we get to see first-hand what happened

Edit: added “we”

Owl hopefully not see them at this party I’m going to tonight

Hmmm, I wouldn’t care for skipping that many levels for another PC to essentially be the main character. I like having every PC at the table having ties to the world and side quests and this would feel too much like nobody else’s story beats matter. But that’s just me.

Can you clarify? You’re going to intentionally wipe the party and then have a deity force a time jump? Is the whole party leveling up? Are they skipping levels? How far into the future is this? Will other PCs have NPC friends and family who get old/die during the jump?

This feels a little railroady to me, with the outcome of the fight already planned and potential messing with other PCs backstories. I think it depends on the group/buy in honestly.

What did he get? I kept waiting for it to happen and it never did. The tabletop/console portion isn’t my jam so I stop watching when the games break out

I mean, it’s not a traditional comedy. It’s about a woman being abused by everyone in her life and slowly clawing her way out of it (while shining a light on how fucked up a lot of “comedies” actually are). Even the laugh tracks make Alison’s treatment isolate her more because it feels like everyone’s in on the joke except her. It’s not intended to be hilarious.

It’s cool if you don’t like dark comedy/drama, but that doesn’t mean it’s boring for everyone.

I woke up during a colonoscopy once. I’m sure the scope isn’t that big but it felt like 6 feet of garden hose was all up in there. 0/10

Replace the negative with gratitude. When you wake up, notice the negative thought, dismiss it, and think of something you’re grateful for instead. Think of three things you’re grateful for before you get out of bed. Eventually, it will become habit and will be easier to identify these thoughts throughout the day to replace with gratitude. It’s hard work but worth it.