Shave. Don't sport one of those narly ungroomed untrimmed beards. Beards can be ok, but keep it neat. The Ted Nugent look is not hot. Keep your hair cut or at least tied up in a bun if it's long.

Dress like you care. Stand up straight. Make eye contact. Smile naturally. Listen to her and show her that you care about her struggles.

Be honest and a good communicator.

Hold her hand.

Do what turns her on when she decides to open up and tell you.

Be assertive but not controlling.

Make sure you're not a narcissist. And if you are, get therapy for it.

Anya Taylor Joy (Furiosa), who is the namesake of the film, and the protagonist has less than 1/100th of the speaking parts or lines as the male supporting actors. That alone leaves me dismayed and greatly disappointed in this film. Enough with the patriarchy in Hollywood, society, and silencing female characters and actresses.

Anytime I have snow and I'm at home, that's literally all I do. Is clean.

Greetings, Detroiter here. Techno has done nothing but grow in popularity over the last 30 years. It's not going anywhere. But to answer the main and my partner were discussing this the other day. And in an ironic way...Eminem did Techno a favor with that lyric. Because think about all the people who aren't familiar with Techno. The way he accents the word Techno when he says it – brings attention to the word when listening. So I say he did it more good than harm. I also wonder if there is a bit of onomatopoeia going on with the word as he says it. Kind of sounds like it to me. But I'm not an expert in phonetics, so take that with a grain of salt.

I don't know why more people are talking about this. I lived in Michigan for 35 years and could never get my plpd, basic poor woman's insurance below $200/month. I've never had an at fault accident or any kind of DUI type ticket. A speeding ticket here and there but never more than 3-4 points on my license. I have a bachelor's degree, which I guess they work into your rate. But yeah, $200/month for the lowest possible legal insurance. Non collision. What a scam.

Detroit for Techno or for Chicago for House.

I moved to Rochester, NY, from believe it or not, Detroit. Rochester gave me a whole new appreciation for Detroit. I hate western NY. Never a sunny day, nothing to do, drivers are real dicks. Food is terrible...nothing but wings, pizza, and garbage plates 🤮. Entertainment is cookie cutter and boring. Everyone is in bed by 8pm. But they work from like 8-6. It's pretty depressing around here if you ask me.

Jury Duty NY

Hello. I work and live in New York State at an office of around 150-200 employees. I am salary. I was called for jury duty. My employer has told me that even if I am asked to go to court for jury duty I am still expected to complete all my work duties. I don't see how I can be at jury duty all day and then expected to work a full day as well. Is this legal? Again I am a salaried employee who normally workes 9-5. I think what they are asking me to do is work nights, after i get back from jury duty – which is not my normal working time. I do work from home two days a week and have a computer that I can use at home. But is this legal? To tell me I have to still get my full day's work in even though I'm at jury duty?

Jury DutyEmployment Law

Hello. I work and live in New York State at an office of around 150-200 employees. I am salary. I was called for jury duty. My employer has told me that even if I am asked to go to court for jury duty I am still expected to complete all my work duties. I don't see how I can be at jury duty all day and then expected to work a full day as well. Is this legal? Again I am a salaried employee who normally workes 9-5. I think what they are asking me to do is work nights, after i get back from jury duty – which is not my normal working time. I do work from home two days a week and have a computer that I can use at home. But is this legal? To tell me I have to still get my full day's work in even though I'm at jury duty?

Oh, hell yes! It's my favorite festival! Very down to earth, lots of different kinds of people, incredible music, dancing, and lots of themes throughout the festival. I go every year. And the after parties are always a blast. Best vibes all around. You need to go!!! It's worth it, I promise.

Same tv. Same issue. Only had it for a couple of years and only use it a few times a week.

I'm at the gym now after doing a couple of small lines. The comedown was a little annoying, but after I pushed thru my first ten minutes at the gym, and now an hour and a half since the line...I feel great.

This happened to someone I know. Luckily, the place where she was hired had a union. She contacted the union, and the employer was made to give her the job after trying to rescind it.

And I never said I had any control over what happens in the afterlife. Besides, there's no proof that there is an afterlife. But there is proof that your brain does release certain chemicals during death and I really don't wanna fuck with that. Humans have been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years. Something tells me I may need those chemicals as I'm dying.

I'm not suicidal nor do I own or have access to a gun, but I'm a woman and have always thought a shot to the heart would be how I would do it if things ever got to that point for me. But not to preserve my physical aspects. More because as I die, I want my brain to shut down naturally. Supposedly, your brain releases certain chemicals upon death that help with the transition from life to death or whatever may come next (if you are spiritual). I don't want to blast out and destroy any areas of my brain that might actually aid in my brain's tools that assist in managing the moments leading up to when my energy and matter return back to the universe.

Kratom saved my life. I have been taking the same amount for years and an incredibly small dose. I have not built up a tolerance, and you can not overdose on it, there are many false reports out there. It's nothing like opioids. It's a plant in the coffee family. The opiate drug companies and fentanyl sellers want it gone because it's helping people quit the hard shit.

Swear to God, smoking weed helps. But, I only recommend it when you are at home and finished working and major responsibilities for the day. Warm compress and ibuprofen, too.

My BF and I were listening to it, and he had an interesting take. He viewed it as Billie Joe kid of admitting that when he was sober, maybe he felt like a "dead man walking" because he wasn't living life and wasn't allowing himself to have those moments (or nights) of fun. My BF thought that BJ was saying you can get sober and do the sober thing, but you (BJ) may begin to feel a bit lifeless, like a dead man walking. Maybe it's okay to allow yourself to break the rules and have a little fun. And to most importantly – live your life rather than be a dead man walking.