Just make a new acct and play things like janna soraka ivern etc. things that even if u exert like 75% of your skill you still won't roll over new players. That way no Smurf queue since your impact won't carry the game. And that way you can support your duo to buff them up so they have a better time

Honestly in the last 6 months I've started hating self checkout. Any produce you have to weigh/count, the self checkout will assume you're trying to steal and has to call over a worker to clear the issue. And this can happen 4+ times during a checkout. At this point it's easier to go thru the regular checkout

Hard agree with the points on how steep the team damage can get and how strong the high stakes round is. Running scaling champs can suck cuz u get beat early and by the time you have items and levels you have enough health for one more loss before you're out

Also Jhin (and sett) felt a lot weaker on the pbe. But for some reason deal way more damage on release

That Leblanc game lives rent free in my head 6 years later. Imo the most dominant single game performance by a western player ever

Tbh I need captain flowers opinion. Everyone else's thoughts on the champ are worthless, as he is the one true skarner King

Perkz Leblanc (G2) vs RNG in Game 5 of 2018 Worlds, he 1v9d one of the worlds favorites with Uzi. I still think about that game

Optimal J4 URF Build?

What are the best items/runes for J4 in urf?

I've liked going heartsteel -> sundered sky -> fimbulwinter so far

Edit: Unending despair -> fimbulwinter -> spirit visage can make you unkillable

If ur tryna 1v1 him sure, but if you're in a team fight and yi qs onto you or your carry and you immediately knock him up then the team bursts him it's gg

Hard agree, like every Italian place I've gone to in the last year the pasta is served in a pool of watery "sauce"

From an outside pov and not knowing the "original meme", this is weird af and cringy

Idk about that, I have a friend who has played since season 2 and I only started in season 7. And he is always 2nd pick (at least 30 arena games no exception).

Idk if it's something to do with when they changed the account system or something

Elburritomonster. Trust me, you will thank me later

They gotta get rid of or rework the sylas event. One of the worst feelings is having a really strong augment that replaces one of your summoner spells. Then the round has a sylas event and you can't use your augment (until after using the sylas ult)

Also hard agree on the revive mechanic, needs some tweaks or rework before it hits live

I agree with the exception of the first challenge. I've played so much nb every time its come out, no game is snowballing so badly in the first 5 minutes that the first event has to guarantee the losing team gets a free win

Yeah my friend is regularly hitting 15-20k max hp by the end of a game with any tank like rell or Ali with that augment. Needs a nerf for sure

Yeah I was legit laughing out loud when pence came in with that joke. First thing pence has ever said that I had an emotional reaction to ever lol

He did have a really good, seemingly off the cuff jab at Vivek about his lack of voting record. Was surprised lol

As we get into election season, I would like to not see clearly partisan, generic talking point discussions about politics that I would hear from any other news network, from either side. Especially since a few on the pod are financially backing some candidates, it feels like a conflict of interest to talk up your person and their positions on the podcast.

I feel like a similar rule to no self promo for their business ventures should also apply to political candidates, as it can feel less of an objective discussion and more like propaganda.

Love the pod!

But I think that logic ignorss the fact that for as many "unplayable" matchups cameos can make more of a fair fight, just as many already "unplayable" matchups become far more unplayable as the advantaged team is made completely OP by the cameo.

Yeah I've stopped playing arena mostly because of the cameos. Too many games are decided by the cameos instead of the actual players in the game. The worst is when it's the 3rd place or final match and there is a cameo that clearly favors the other team's comp so it's an insta loss

But how does it work when it's down to 3 teams? And how are there instances where one team fights 3 fights in a row when there are only 3 teams? Shouldn't it be AvB, AvC, then BvC? I have games where it's AvB, AvC, then AvB again

I feel like the quality of questions in this show is going down. Otherwise loving the show