I have been trying out the new Arena for 1-2 weeks now. I was around 8000 rating in the previous version of Arena playing only solo so I play a LOT of arena. Addicted even.

It's still pretty fun but compared to the old Arena it doesn't feel as fun for me. I don't like 3 things mainly.

The addition of the revive, it's insanely frustrating to play against as it is now, way too easy to pop and completely messes up the flow of the match. It doesn't add to the game in a positive way imo.

New augments, at first I thought I would love this change since it allows for more creativity and fun build, but the addition of too many new augments makes it really hard to get BIS augments for your champ while I don't really see new viable interesting builds at all. I feel like the mode is a lot more fun when everyone can get their best augments and just all-out brawl. Right now augments decide too much the outcome of the match and make it a lot more luck dependent, too much so.

The ban pick phase. I feel like just 2 random champs per team make it a lot more random and fun, this new mini ranked-like pick ban is just not it.

Any PBE enjoyers can chime out with their opinions?