As all good advice is, yeah.

These types of people were funnier when they just wore shirts that read “FBI - Female Body Inspector”

I think I speak for everyone on the planet when I say I'd rather a thousand October 7ths than suffer the pain and indignity of Destiny returning to full-time League of Legends.

New User

My views are similar to yours, but I think the approach isn't anything special - like most people do, just keep an eye out as you interact with new people doing whatever work/hobbies you do. For me I have plenty of exposure to new people through my university (my program is religious studies so it's easier to find people without so much prejudice against certain religious beliefs as you find in the regular population) and work I do in the community, but for others it can be clubs, social events, etc. I've got no experience with dating apps but they seem either focused on very non-religious hookup-style dating, or geared toward a particular kind of mainstream crowd of a particular faith, like Muzmatch - so I've never gotten the impression they'd be a good fit for me.

It sounds like you've got the most important part down though: not trying to rush into anything. Just keep living life and keeping an eye open for potential matches.

There's having bad global PR, and then there's just intentional self-sabotage to your global PR.

Luckily for her, Biden with his newly-SCOTUS-appointed dictatorial powers would NEVER deny anyone ice cream. He is a kind, and benevolent Fuhrer.

New User

There are always a few older folks at masjid who just have a chair because full prostration is too hard on their knees.
Standing -> sit on chair -> bow deeply while still sitting, etc. instead of stand -> kneel -> prostrate.

My ex's father was over 60 and overweight so he had this problem as well. When praying at home on holidays would use the chair, but I remember when we went to a large outdoor prayer for Eid he did it without a chair. People will always want to push themselves harder to do the "proper" method especially on special days, but I've never heard of anyone looking poorly on someone using a chair or other form of support. Probably if you looked young and fit there might be some silent judging but people are very understanding of different physical problems people have.

Inshallah your efforts pay off and you achieve better health, not for prayer's sake but for a longer and happier life.

"We would rather make sex state-mandated than give workers rights."

So every country that has ever been in a war, got it.

people aren't even trying to upload maps anymore

Life of Pi. Am I stuck on the boat or can be elsewhere, which is just the regular real world?

Give a definition of "terrorist state" that falls somewhere between "literally every country" and "only Taliban-led Afghanistan."

I'm no expert, but if your ammo works like this you should probably fire it closer to enemy, ja?

Yeah exactly, it is genuinely good advice. But the crowd cheering, the host just repeating "wow" like he's aghast at the profundity, and the sappy stock music really makes the clip hilarious.

New User

This is all abusive behaviour but even just the first should be a dealbreaker - men do not have control over what women wear. Tell him to date a Barbie doll instead, that seems to be more what he wants.

Yellow clearly has far more land so they should be able to easily destroy the small red territory faction within days

New User

The way you use the term “free-mixing” made it sound like a deviant sex act, like a swinger party. I was very confused. And I’m not so sure it’s the mainstream that doesn’t want boys and girls interacting at all outside of marriage, that’s a pretty far Salafi position. I know the Grand Mufti of Egypt and countless other mainstream scholars have said there’s nothing wrong with it.

New User

Why would wishing peace to non-Muslims be haram? Good grief