I’m gonna say that not a lot of old heads were really down with this. Great bands…. For sure,but this is like 3rd or 4th generation of HC

Dude is bringing the Rocknroll! Gracias Senor Frehley!

What about skivee drawers? Fuckin boots!

I’m drinking and don’t wanna check my history, but probably Love ‘em/leave ‘em from RARO. I think that was the first official song I heard of my own accord. It was an 8-track,so it was the last minute of that song!

Damn! He was a very talented actor and he seemed to revel in the absurd that was Sabrina! Rip good Sir!

:logo: New York Rangers (old)

I’d buy him a beer…just sayin’…

Everybody’s talkin ‘bout revolution

Everybody’s talkin ‘bout smash the state

Sounds to me the final solution

Right wing,left wing full of hate

We don’t wanna fight…. The mighty Cock Sparrer ladies and gentlemen!

If you ever meet Giuseppe,buy him a long neck Budweiser! That’s my homie! Rude Boy!

Squash it was real! A lot of cornball shit was legit back in the day!