If you have a window that gets good sun in the morning, sleep with the curtain open. If not, I highly recommend getting lights that you can set to naturally slowly come on around the time you want to wake up. That, plus getting a good amount of sleep, make waking up a very natural process. I wake up to the sun and wake up at the same time everyday without an alarm. I imagine the alarm jarring you out of sleep is a big part of those morning feelings - light will ease you out of rest.

Found an account that is just copy and pasting other redditor’s comments

I came across a comment from u/gook198 that I recognized as the top comment on a similar thread the week before. A quick google search of several of their recent comments reveals that they’re all copy and pasted from other Reddit comments.

Assuming a bot since I just Google a few of their other recent comments and they’re all directly copy and pasted from other Reddit comments 🙄 reporting the account

My tongue hurts SO badly

I (27F) feel kind of silly asking this, but the back of my tongue is hurting so badly since Saturday, making it hard to eat, talk, and today basically just exist because the pain is getting worse and is so distracting. The pain is in the way back right side of my tongue.

I frequently get canker sores in my mouth and cuts on my tongue from accidentally biting my tongue/cheek while eating, so i have that oral anesthetic liquid from the pharmacy that usually works wonders, but it’s doing nothing for this. It feels like the pain is IN my tongue rather than on the surface.

I was originally going to wait a few more days for it to go away on its own, but I’m kind of concerned that the pain is getting worse. Who do I even go to for this? I don’t have a primary care doctor, but I have an urgent care near me. Or should I go to the dentist? I’m in the US.

Also the people who will never change because they think the problem lies with everyone else and not themselves.

That’s the one that made me go “oh yeah she sucks”

“Friend is a powerful word and connection to another human 🥰” is so condescending, I can’t

This is incorrect, Bobst has tons of non-academic books. When I was at the school like 7 years ago I used to love browsing the stacks of novels and finding both mainstream and niche books. Plus there’s interlibrary share with Cooper Union and maybe Columbia? I checked out mainstream novels from Cooper Union a few times.

To answer OP’s question, one of my favorite books and I think the first I took out from Bobst was some book of cat stories. I’ll try to find the title in my Goodreads 🐈‍⬛

I’m a woman and can orgasm essentially endlessly using a vibrator. After the first few, most only last up to 5 seconds, but they’re all distinct. I’ve never counted, but if I had to guess there have probably been times I’ve had 80-100 over the course of a couple hours. I stop when I get hit with the feeling of damn, I should really do something else with my day.

For real. This plan in its current state has the immediate impact of causing additional hardship to people already struggling and the potential impact of eventual improvements to public transit, if the MTA uses the money for what they say they will. I’ve lived here long enough to not expect the proposed improvements to come on any sort of reasonable timeline.

I don’t see the point in a subtle romance, ten-ton heartache sittin on your back, scared of the crack where the light comes through, I’m only really me when I’m here with you

Right like the part of my brain that auto reacts to things is a completely different entity from the part that takes time to process 😆

Hey, no need to feel naive or bad in any way for having been affected by the interaction. It’s especially hard to view things objectively when you’re hurting, so it’s good you came here. The important thing is knowing her sales spiel is in no way a reflection of you. I hope that that knowledge allows you to put the interaction and lingering hit to your self confidence behind you 💜

Feeling less great about my choice last Saturday to walk 30,000 steps and then get on a 6 hour flight 🫠

I’m so sorry you had to also deal with a medical practitioner who seems to lack any empathy. And at the same time lmao I’m pretty sure we were not built for IUD insertions 😹

Yeah I avoided going to any gynecologist for years because of this experience. But luckily a couple of years ago I got up the courage to go and had a much better experience, with a doctor who listened to me and didn’t say I’m not ready for sex because I get pain. As a 27 year old I can recognize how ridiculous that statement is and how it doesn’t do anyone any good, but as a 19 year old my takeaway was that I shouldn’t tell any doctors or sexual partners about the pain because it’ll result in them saying I’m not ready for anything sexual.

I tried to get one when I was 19, was in immense pain (I already have pain even during just intercourse), and then the doctor stopped and told me I’m not ready for sex if I couldn’t handle this, and had me leave. This was at a planned parenthood in nyc.

Choosing to do something else makes one’s life miserable?

Do they have any plans to take down that horrendous wall? And let people walk next to that new building and Bobst again? Surely before the new freshmen arrive I’d hope…

I’m an alum but am in the neighborhood all the time and baffled by what’s going on