These Fucking Accounts, Man

r/TheseFuckingAccountsβ€’31.1K subscribersβ€’6 active
selfimprovement botsπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

they are reposting questions to /r/selfimprovement from the various ask subs and replying to themselves with the top answers.

/u/SweetGummyBear215, /u/SillyBunny7890, /u/citygirl65443, /u/SarahSmiles548, /u/sweetanwet876, /u/Bikini_baby767, /u/SassySweets25, /u/AngelsVoice6682, /u/BakingQueen8689 and I'm sure there's more...

happy hunting

Todays crossover between r/pics and only fans


I was looking and useless scrolling today at r/pics. Normally there are the more generic repost bots reposting the highest upvoted pictures. But today there are at least 3 only fans accounts active.

Those are

They are posting with cheap cosplaying outfits showing their boobs or they are near naked. All of them have a serious ammount of upvotes. I am proud at the comments. They are calling them out and the normal accounts with near zero history and karma simping over them did not show up or got downvoted.

One of the only fans accounts is even posting a slightly different woman every time. How sad is that. Probably an only fans with stolen content. Or creditcard phishing or like that.

Sad enough there is zero action from the mods there while they probably received multi reports.

Happy hunting!

Looks like /r/television is having a PR bot takeover

First it was MarvelsGrantMan136, and then it was indig0sixalpha. Now DemiFiendRSA has also entered the mix.

These aren't the traditional bots people complain about, but they must be some sort of public relations bot group. I almost wonder if they are the same account holders since for a while it looked like MarvelsGrantMan136 had abandoned /r/television only to stick to /r/movies and other subs and then indig0sixalpha started posting the same stuff MGM136 would previously post. Now all three are active in the last 24 hours and if you look at hot for the last 24 hours it is essentially just the three posters.

Maybe we need a sticky of the various bots like this since I know there are others like Turbostrider27 which is active in the gaming groups.

This seems to be an organized group

Here's the signs -

First tell is that the question is a copy of a popular post, usually in one of the big subreddits. Second is that it isn't specific to men on r/askmen. Third is the age of the account, they're almost all a few weeks old. Fourth, the post history - it is only a post, and then a separate comment to the post - again, copied from a popular post elsewhere. Fifth, post history, usually only a couple dozen posts, and the first post always starts in r/shadowban to see if the account is visible.

And a handful of accounts I reported to a subreddit mod where they were getting out of hand. I still find 3-4/day not really even looking.

Wtf is going on with these broken bots

u/Nrcress52 is one of hundreds I keep seeing posting nonsense sentences over and over again on r/modsupport (example

This account is a spammer

u/StandingChameleon is a spammer. One of one messages they spam on different subs is Hello! I'm doing custom femdom videos and vidcalls, available right now! Fair prices they also put other words in place of fendoml

Found a possible Menace to Society, Troll or Edgelord on YouTubeWTF is Wrong with People

I was watching Lessons in Meme Culture's video on the Google AI Overview Failures and found the username UTTPArrestAllFandoms spamming replies about animals that needed censoring


Already reported it to Youtube out of precaution and did an overly cautious amount of censoring on my screenshot because of the topics

cursedcomment botsπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

all created within the last 24 hours with similar usernames. replying to each other's reposts with stolen top comments from the original threads.

/u/jeen_kril61, /u/beth_vin61, /u/lorry_jvc44, /u/lea_litt24, /u/jessa_frd43, /u/veena_hil51 and there's probably more.

happy hunting

Please take this account down

This piece of shit just came randomly on my timeline, I strongly advice not to look at his content but his whole page is full with animal abuse. probably wont do much but if at least this account can be brought down I think that's a good thing


Spammy posts in all sorts of subs with shady image description links.

Upon calling them out as a scam in a sub, they immediately blocked me, so be aware of that before you go reporting their posts, since Reddit doesn't let you report posts when the user has blocked you for... some stupid reason.

Cats subs becoming compromised.

Was wondering why there was such an influx of cat images on r/all. Turns out cat subs are a hotbed for spam bots. Just steal any picture of a cat from a few year back and post it again because who is going to notice.

Looked through r/CatWasHere, pretty sure 99% of the posts there were bots. The kind that lay low for 4 years and then wake up one day to start stealing. Unless it's a big thread on /r/AskReddit these bots are mostly just commenting on each other's stolen posts, too, so you can really fall down a rabbit hole following the chains of conversation.

Anyone else know any compromised subs?

basic bot reposting old posts to build karma unlikely to be a human, as two of the reposts claims to be OC.

More accounts making subs for bot-upvotestf they doing?

I really don't understand this tactic, it makes it immediately apparent that it's a bot account? Anyone want to speculate?

I'll add to the list if I see more today.

soticingBAD, Post, Subreddit - /r/testmyname334/, Backup

TerzejuS, Post, Subreddit - /r/terzejus24353902, Backup, Bonus bot commenter Kristy_Taylork25

Specific-Wolf-6450, Post, Subreddit - /r/dopeopleacuallylikeFD, Backup

Extra-Substance-14, Post, Subreddit - /r/tttrrressEXTRA, Backup

Post used by spam bots to get comment karmaCustom flair

All the comments here have two or more upvotes and are spamming the same word:

Also that subreddit has only one post and it somehow has 94 users

These accounts post their shirt on small sports/city subreddits and then provide a spam link after a second account asks where to get it.Account shadowbanned

Accounts like these continue to spam the site. It’s always a shirt with the team’s or city’s name/jersey. It has been going on for a while. Always new accounts. Usually in smaller subs.

by XSC
dating site bots messaged me :|

I had two bots messaging me and talking a lil bit just about another account that got banned, and then they mentioned about a dating app and that was their reason of getting banned, and they posted a link to the dating site. btw i didn't chat with them, and it was on my mod messages