So a good Darius would always start w then lol, meaning that riven should lose the lvl 1

Rihanna. I just know she would do everything right.

When playing as a solo dps it’s often times better to create groups especially at the start of a season since there will be many people playing thus more applicants.

Queuing as a solo dps can either be very quick or take forever, and it’s heavily dependent on what dps class/spec you’re playing and also your io. I main mage and get invited to groups typically very quickly and easily, while having an io around 2600-2900.

On my balance druid even while having 2900+ io I still have some trouble getting into groups so I usually create my own in this scenario.

Beast mastery hunter. I love the hunter aesthetic. They have great mogs. I love the spec fantasy of bonding with extremely strong beasts to aid you in battle. I love matching pets to my tmogs. I love all the pet varieties as well. I love bows. I love pressing bestial wrath to watch my pets glow red and grow in size. I even love leveling as a hunter and it’s something I do time to time usually at the end of an expansion in the down time.

But oh my goodness the beast mastery hunter rotation is the most boring, mind numbing, brain-off rotation ever. It’s so un-fun and un-intuitive to actually play. It is dreadfully easy and feels like I’m doing nothing even if I’m topping the dmg meter. I wish they would rework it to make it more fun and challenging but I don’t think blizzard is capable of that tbh.

Her prestige skin is very smooth and clean. Not available rn tho. Star guardian is good and cyber pop feels really good and adds a bit extra “oomph” imo

His arms were as skinny as hers bruuhhhhhhhh

Rat snakes are pretty notorious for climbing. If you ever see a snake and wonder, how did it get there? There’s a decent chance it’s a ratsnake.

Riven actually does quite a lot of dmg especially when you reach full build. The really big issue is that it’s super easy and effective to build against riven since she only deals ad and nothing else so building armor is incredibly valuable vs her.

You’ll actually do pretty big dmg to anyone who isn’t a tank, so think cam, fiora, trynd, kayle etc. But when you look at tanks and champions that actually counter riven like voli, poppy, Malph etc then you’ll start to feel pretty useless vs them.

I think about this constantly. I worked for Publix warehouse for like 3 weeks and had to quit I just couldn’t take it anymore it was awful.

Anyways, one day during morning meeting the lead literally spoke these exacts words: “Publix is a great place to work, yes? starts shaking his head yes and tries to get other people to shake their head and if you don’t think so then please speak up. We’d love to talk about it with you and figure out why so we can correct it. Publix is a great place to work.”

I cannot tell you how much I wanted to vomit. It was quite disturbing like fuck sake what is wrong with corporate Publix???

You’ve got them mixed up. Greg is the blonde who likes the basic life.

Edit: I am actually wrong. Terry is the blonde omg idk how I made this mistake.

I would just like to add a few things.

First of all, I’ve never been in love. Idk why. I think it has something to do with me being gay and the area that I live in. Also my lack of trying, but I’m putting in a little more effort now. I’m 24 - idk if that’s worth mentioning.

I think we as humans have the capacity to love many people. If you don’t make it with your first love it’s okay because you’ll find new love.

Lastly I would like to say that if you have feelings for someone, you should tell them. I just recently told someone I had feelings for them and now we haven’t talked since then. I’m not sure if we’ll ever reconnect and maybe it’s better if we don’t. We were only ever just friends, I wish we could’ve been more but I’m at peace with the current situation. Point is, tell someone if you have feelings for them. If you never do, you’ll never what opportunities you might have missed. If you fall off, then so be it. Live and let live. Maybe you’ll still be friends after. I hope that I’ll still be friends with that someone, but idk. Something tells me we won’t be. That makes me sad but I am happy with my choice to say how I felt.

It may not be the best place to work but it is a great place to shop. Beats the hell out of going to Walmart.

I think deathsworn would be a great slimline for Zoe to be in. Discussion

Title. I think it’d be sick!! I could even see her getting a legendary for deathsworn. I know her base aesthetic doesn’t quite fit the theme but it would be an opportunity for riot to do something really cool and mix it up.

Other honorable mention skin lines I think would be battle queen, academia, infernal , dark star, battle boss. Plenty others as well but I don’t feel like thinking and listing all of them. Oh, and surprise party!

Edit: not sure how to fix the typo in the title. I obviously meant skinline!

For laning: I recommend playing aggressively. Zoe has a strong early game and wants to snowball, so start shoving the wave lvl 1 and try to keep hard shoving throughout the laning phase. Make sure to use your passive as well, so you’ll want to Q-auto-Q the wave.

When fighting: you have your basic E-Q combo. Try to land it as often as possible obviously. Once again make sure to utilize your passive dmg, it’s better to pop E with a Q as it’ll do more dmg, but really try and get the most out of your passive as well.

Lastly, go watch tips and tricks for Zoe on YouTube. She has some cool animation cancels and tricks with her E, so I’d recommend getting familiar with all that. Good luck!

The other commenters have already given the answers you need but I would like to point out that trundle is built to win 1v1s almost exclusively so you’ll need to constantly respect his ult. His win con is pretty easy, he’ll try to interrupt your Q3 with his pillar, ult you and then beat you to death. So just be mindful

Lol could you imagine