1 is beautiful and flattering. 2 is a bit too trendy but still pretty.

If Emma Roberts and toxic personality could leave us all alone that would be great.

I feel like I’m the only one who likes the dress lol

That being said, I think all the comments saying she looks like she’s recovering from the flu are spot on.

Called them herself then playing the victim for an extra sprinkle of attention lol

Hmmm I don’t think the number of Instagram followers is as relevant as it used to be. So many bots/old accounts etc. Also Vanessa has been “famous” far longer than Billie/Olivia/Jenna and would explain why she has more ig followers.

But if we are comparing, Billie has 65 million followers on tik tok, with views ranging from 7 million up to 40 million.

Edit : I thought your comment included Billie but I read it again and it was Sabrina. Oops.

The amount of upvotes on that post in such a short time was wild and is very suspicious lol

No offence to her and maybe I’m out of touch but I did not think Vanessa Hudgens was famous enough for paparazzi to go through that much effort to catch her coming out of the hospital.

But also, society in general has lost all respect for each others privacy. How many videos go viral on tik tok of someone being filmed without their consent, example such as an elderly person eating dinner in a restaurant alone and they get filmed being like awwwh how sad :( and uploaded to the internet for millions to see.

Any sweet drinks. Even if it’s diet/no sugar, it makes my cravings for more sweet food later in the day a lot stronger.

Replaced with plain sparkling water and black tea/coffee and don’t have as many sugar cravings.

Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess is a non skip album and she deserves it! Amazing this is happening so long after the album was released!

No amount of articles or tik tok videos is going to make me believe that there isn’t a deal between Sabrina Carpenters record label and Spotify, no matter how much they try to blame an algorithm recommending already popular music because it thinks you’ll like it.

Everyone was listening to Not Like Us, which is still number 1 on the Apple Music global chart, but it wasn’t getting constantly force fed to people after every single playlist the same way espresso / ppp has.

This article did teach me that it is actually illegal for labels to pay traditional radio stations for airplay without disclosing it!

Calling hozier a two hit wonder is so harsh lol

Can someone post this as a TIL for the masses because I did not know this happened and it’s such a cruel and disturbing joke.