Trying desperately to show we are more Canadian than the lowly new Indian student just perpetuates racism. Condemn racism against everyone, don’t just try to insulate yourself from it.

Yupe, let us all collectively close our eyes to the obvious and continue to peddle hate.

Vote this government out and get a government that will stop this shit is the only answer. Simple and obvious yes - but not easy at all. Too many people in Canada are profiting from this racket and that is why it will continue.

It is Canada and Canadians that are responsible for this mess. The numbers you show are permanent residents - invited and approved for permanent residency (and citizenship in 3 years after pr) by Canada (and Canadians).

That could be zero by a stroke of the pen.

Why would Indians rescue non Indians? These skihs were Afghan. World works on nationality not religion.


I am not saying don’t change your names, change it if you like it and as you say many people from all castes do change it of they want to.

Why enforce it on people who do not want to change their names. What purpose does this do? Making caste names moot and irrelevant is what we should aim for (like surnames like farmer, carpenter, wood mean nothing in England these days).


Dude you changed your surname to a different caste name? Why would you do that? I thought you were speaking in favour of dropping it.

Also, since you are speaking about NRIs, if you leave Tamil Nadu/india, everyone has some remnant of a caste name. Do you want to ban that too?

It is also easy to find your race (which is a bigger issue abroad than caste) from your name. What do we do about it?

I am not against dropping caste names, but the significance given to it and attributing this as a panacea to caste evils is very misguided.

(Also, please find other ways to inform you than neeya naana and karu palaniappan)

Exactly. A colleague of mine (in USA) who is a Tamil obc did the same. Many Indians here change their name. The obc colleague also hardly speaks Tamil these days since it makes it quite easy from his language to find out that he isn’t a Brahmin or one of the ‘forward caste’. So what should we do, start speaking sen Tamil?

Surnames are not the only way people identify caste - language (especially Tamil dialect), first name, colour of the skin, food/cultural practices all play a role.

To say removing surname is some magic bullet is being lazy. It is akin to ajith adjusting the mirror in an auto and making it move. Kerala has achieved more in caste parity without removing surnames.

Also happy cake day!


Allow more time and there will be less and less and less GC because most of those castes will be classified as OBC.

This is true. But the program is so poorly designed. Our government refuses to understand how programs like on arrival pr with 1 year of experience and limited English language skills can be exploited.

Hence this pilot will not result in actual caregivers, just people who claim to be caregivers.

To add to what was written, Indian Muslims are not a monolith and are not defined exclusively by religion.

An Indian muslim from the southern state of Tamil Nadu will have more in common with a Hindu from Tamil Nadu than with a Muslim from Punjab (dress, food, color, language). Further, they will also have a completely different set of political leader that they follow which happened during partition (Jinnah did not command the same level of political clout across regions). In some states like Kerala, Muslims formed roughly 25% of the population and may not have felt the need to migrate.

We deserve the Sai Deepaks of the world.

Good luck being branded rice bags.

Now that you name called him, does it also open for another person to call you names? Is that nice.

Saying someone is a nooliban is just hate speech and plainly is indecent. Says more about you than you seem to be aware of.

Them being bad doesn’t make annamalai good or the bjp right for tn.

Not sure how what you are saying is relevant. Yes a party can contest in more seats and have a low vote share. But what we are speaking is different.

BJPs increase in vote share is more due to them contesting in more seats than having increased support base.

It is not about who you are in coalition with. You contest in more seats, you are going to get more votes meaning your statewide vote share is going to be to higher.

10 people voting for you across 10 places is not the same as 100 people voting for you in one place - even though your ‘vote share’ will be the same aggregated across the state.

No, because they don’t like modi and the bjp. They recognize him for what he is - an attempt to be a decent face and grab power in TN for bjp. If they ever winning, we are pretty sure that the BJP and annamalai will be disastrous to both tn and India.

They just competed in more seats and the opposition party (AIADMK) is at its weakest now.


BJP does not have a good reputation in TN and they have made it worse after the racist ads they aired in orisa.

Annamalai in addition to being an ex ips is also a current a-hole associated with a party that most Tamil have visceral hate for.

I am Tamil, I happen to see this post on my feed and wanted to share my thought.


Wow! the lengths people convolute to give BJP credit. Modi's government have refused to debate any bills properly. They even stripped a state or its status when that state’s assembly was dissolved. During covid, they passed multiple environmental bills with no discussion.

To say this is all the oppositions fault is plain Bhakt speak. Wake up.

As a South Indian, this is definitely true. I would rather learn my mother tongue and English better than learn Hindi.