I mean, that’s not entirely true. That’s actually quite a weird statement to make about people who just wanna work, so they take what they can get. I know many nannies who are not 100% legal in this country and so they make a shit amount of money because they want to stay in this country and send money home to their families, but they’re not 100% legal so they can’t. That doesn’t mean that they have ulterior motives. I know some nannies who get paid shit because they don’t know any better, because this is their job so they’re assuming $20 an hour for four kids 100 hours a week is a good deal. We know it’s not, because we’ve been doing this long enough to know that you’re getting taken advantage of, but these are not people who have ulterior motives to work with children.

Honesty, that’s a really weird assertion to make and standby.

Right? Like I would not be upset if my friend came to me and said look, I know for a fact that your fiancé used to beat the shit out of his ex, you might want to rethink this.

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

That’s a real generalized thing to say, and most likely not true.

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

I think Aaron is doing what Aaron is going to do and he doesn’t give a shit, when it comes to Kordell, I don’t think that he is taking it to any extent. I think he has been here for so many weeks with Serena who kind of strings him along and he would like to find a genuine connection with someone and if that someone happens to be in Casa Amore, that’s where she is.

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

Ooohh I like this answer…

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

Kendall had nothing to do with Aaron. It’s so weird that people want to blame Kendall for errands actions.

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

I made a comment similar to this regarding how Serena treats Kordell, and that I was happy that he went over to Casa amor and maybe found someone who was genuinely into him like immediately. I think that the two of them, Serena & Kordell, could have something really good but she sort of ruined that in the beginning by not believing he was a nice guy, which is understandable. It seemed forced the second time when she chose him again and he seemed so happy about it and I don’t know. Maybe it’s because of the first several interactions between them that I just don’t believe that she’s that much into him. It almost seemed like she wanted the coupling so that she wasn’t booted from the island.

I am looking forward to seeing how their relationship progresses.

I just downloaded Hoopla today and it’s a fucking game changer!!

Can I ask where you grew up? What kind of houses did you frequent? Just curious

Beautiful work of fiction, I especially loved the “crying like the pathetic man I am part”.

You have a good future ahead of you in creative writing, keep it up 👍🏻

My boss is from there, so yup that would be a place where people gather it stupid o’clock in the morning for things that are happening that night

I think that’s a really good idea.

We got married after Covid, so there were still restrictions on the amount of people we could have, which was great because I have a very very, very large family. Like if I told you how many cousins I had on one side, first cousins, you would not believe me lol and it’s not that I didn’t want everyone there. It’s just that I don’t like big crowds and so a small wedding was great. my sister on the other hand every single one of our family members on both sides of the family, her husbands, family, and friends and what not, and there were like 175 people at her wedding. I had less than 85. I think I would’ve loved a destination wedding that was also a honeymoon, crap. I wish I’d thought of that then lol

I actually love this answer. I think it is the perfect answer because right away you’re saying you know I’ve been reading the news and I understand what’s going on, and I just want you to be aware. As opposed to calling the emergency line and getting everyone all riled up for what could just be a cooler with garbage in it.

Honestly, I’d rather call the nonemergency line, then not call anyone and something terrible happens

Where do you live where people are getting to a spot at 7a for 9:15p fireworks?

I like the sparkle fizzes - the ones that rain down sparkle ✨

I am convinced that people have destination weddings because they don’t want a ton of people to show up. I am convinced by that, and no one can tell me differently. That if you are going to ask your friends to spend 5K to come to see you get married, then you really don’t want people there 😆

Or just an asshole.

I was a bridesmaid to my friend a few years ago, and she was beyond insane. Like bridezilla to the extreme, and that woman is nowhere close to being an influencer, in fact, I don’t even think she has most social media platforms. She’s just an asshole.

It’s not just the state, it’s the entire country. We still do not take mental health seriously and it’s very sad because there’s so many people that need help and we have the resources necessary, we just refuse to use them. and I understand everyone’s gonna be fixed with a therapist, not everyone’s gonna be fixed with medication, but there’s so much more to dealing with mental health than those two things and it’s like we put blinders on and that’s just too hard to fix