Any knowledge on AK things?

If it’s NBD, why do you think dicking down Chevron has been near the top of the Right’s wishlist, second to Roe? 🙄

I am guessing they are tired of having the rules and regulations change in a biased way every four years depending on who is in the White House. The nice thing about things now being decided through courts and the legal system is legal precedent will be set and it will be relatively stable. Versus constant flip flops. We here in the NFA community see only a small amount of the regulatory flip flopping that goes on out there. Just talk to tax attorneys about it.

Maybe not the best take on the "measurably shorten our lifespans" aspect of your argument.

Courts can still defer to the agencies reasonable interpretations of statutes under Skidmore deference, they just are not obligated to defer to them as is was the case under Chevron. All that is changing today is the obligation to defer to the executive agencies.

The other issue with Chevron is rules and regulations can flip flop depending on whoever is currently in power. Nothing makes law, for example, tax law more complicated than having major interpretations of it significantly change depending on who's in office every four years.

There are also courts that are specialized in specific aspects of law and will have more intelligent interpretations of law than what the executive agencies can come up with.

A world without Chevron is a world with a lot more stability. Legal precedent can be set, and then legal precedent can be relied upon.

Calling yourself a lawyer vs attorney = you don't have your license yet?

You know that all this is doing is letting the courts with their experts decide versus having an obligation to defer to the executive agencies right? And you are aware of Skidmore deference?

DOJ is weaponized / clearly has an agenda at this point. The Republicans kept Garland (now the Attorney General) off the Supreme Court, and he has not forgotten. He is now using power to do anything to piss off or jail his opponents.

I am assuming they are in the SDNY court, but don't know / didn't look.

The SDNY court is well known for being extremely biased / leans only one way, and does big cases that are related the country and politics at large "because they can" and no one has reigned them in. See: All legal cases currently proceeding against a certain ex-president.

I'm sure they found some way to prosecute there for an agenda they have. And I'm sure it will be a "fair and unbiased" trial /s

Better to have rulings that can be appealed than have rules that flip flop every four years because the people at the executive agencies change, imo. The latter situation creates a LOT of instability if you have to deal with them.

I mean, we are in the NFA subreddit. The flipflopping of rules creates heartaches for us nonstop. The ATF isn't the only agency that flipflops. The EPA does. The IRS does. The FDA does. There are full time jobs dedicated to tracking the whims of these agencies.

With court based rulings, legal precedent can be set that will not be easily changed just because someone new is in the White House.

Courts can still defer to the agencies reasonable interpretations of statutes under Skidmore deference, they just are not obligated to defer to them as was the case under Chevron. All that is changing today is the obligation to defer to the executive agencies.

The other issue with Chevron is rules and regulations can flip flop depending on whoever is currently in power. Nothing makes law, for example, tax law more complicated than having major interpretations of it significantly change depending on who's in office every four years.

There are also courts that are specialized in specific aspects of law and will have more intelligent interpretations of law than what the executive agencies can come up with.

A world without Chevron is a world with a lot more stability. Legal precedent can be set, and then legal precedent can be relied upon.

Maybe not the best take on your part. Courts can still defer to the agencies reasonable interpretations of statutes under Skidmore deference, they just are not obligated to defer to them as is was the case under Chevron. All that is changing today is the obligation to defer to the executive agencies.

The other issue with Chevron is rules and regulations can flip flop depending on whoever is currently in power. Nothing makes law, for example, tax law more complicated than having major interpretations of it significantly change depending on who's in office every four years.

There are also courts that are specialized in specific aspects of law and will have more intelligent interpretations of law than what the executive agencies can come up with.

A world without Chevron is a world with a lot more stability.

Eh. My understanding is prior precedent will stand and many courts will still defer to the executive agencies via the Skidmore deference. The courts are just not obligated to defer to the executive agencies under Skidmore.

but that doesn't stop a judge legislating from the bench and pushing forward

But for those of us in more free states, this is less of a concern / we get to be more free.

Thanks. I was just curious about the mechanical aspect of how other people have done the work. I have a TBA MKIII that I like quite a bit, but it is a pretty invasive modification / not easy to have done for other people I know who might be interested.

Any way we could get some pics of the inside of that Ruger? I am only familiar with the TBA bolt lock design, so I'm curious how else people have done it.

They just use standard 308 NATO links, too, if you want to go the disintegrating route.

What he states is a bit an exaggeration. Your print looks fine other than those not-that-important cosmetic issues.

user text is here

Richard Lage is at it again

Bump stocks are pretty tricky to understand if you don't have experience with them. My understanding is the gun is loose in the stock (so it can move back and forth), and the stock has a guard that covers the trigger when the gun is fired.

When the gun is fired, the gun recoils backward into the the stock. As a result, the persons finger is moved off of the gun's trigger by the guard on the bump stock, as the trigger moved backwards with the gun into the bump stock when the gun fired.

If you were to shoot one handed, that would be the end of the firing. You would get just one round fired.

What you are supposed to do, with your other hand, is pull forward on the front of the gun to bring the gun's trigger back forward past the trigger guard in the bump stock to get the trigger to "function" again, and then the gun cycles backwards into the bump stock again, and the cycle repeats itself. Hopefully that makes sense.

From the people I have talked to that have used one, being able to use it well is an acquired skill (you have to balance pulling the front of the gun forward while letting the gun being loose enough where it can cycle in and out of the bump stock), and it is very hard to be accurate with it, so mostly a gimmick versus something functional. Unless you have malicious intent, military training, and can take a significantly elevated position versus your intended target zone.

"I hope you have a big trunk, because I'm putting my bike in it."

"blah blah blah"

"trust us"

"sex crime allegations"

Do yourself and get educated on basic stuff like what standard smear campaign tactics are or what "borking" is so you can see the whole picture. Otherwise you're just another ignorant fuck with a dumbass opinion.


If you can't tell me even the alleged age of the "trust us, she exists" "little girl", I am going to assume you have just been fed bullshit and are just eating it all, hook, line and sinker.

Do yourself and get educated on basic stuff like what standard smear campaign tactics are or what "borking" is so you can see the whole picture. Otherwise you're just another ignorant fuck with a dumbass opinion.

Yawn. His alleged "buddy" was found to be such an unreliable witness that the biased DOJ decided to not to go to trial.

Keep eating that bullshit they're feeding you. Or read up on stuff like "smear campaign tactics" or "borking" to understand what's really going on.

lol. The DOJ would have taken him out if they could have, and you know it. (If you don't, you sure are dumb. Do you know who Merrick Garland is?)

He is not more powerful than them.

The whole thing was a hitjob to try to get rid of a powerful voice.

I hear the same story every time

"I don't have any hard details, so I'm not going to answer your question because I think I'm right even though I have no details to provide you"

You are brainwashed

That's how things turned out according to wikipedia (at present...) at the moment.

Not enough evidence to prosecute, and the people testifying against him were found to be untrustworthy.

But the DOJ and the media certainly did an excellent job dragging his name through the mud.

Paywalled article from wapo and telling me to check out wikipedia (that totally can't be edited)?

C'mon, buddy.

Just tell me the name of the "little girl" and the age of her at the time of the alleged event.

Clearly if there was a "victim" she must have come forward, no?

Btw, here is the end of the DOJ investigation / shakedown according to wikipedia, fwiw. I'm sure this won't eventually be edited away: