sorry didn’t mean an actual star - like a star potential player. I hear what you’re saying though. doesn’t even have to be a star of any type lol but I’m assuming that’s what FO is aiming at and those stacks of players is what we have to offer. more thinking thru who we lose, if anyone, and then who we would need to bring in. Regardless of who we receive, moody, Podz, loon, gp2 are likely on the table. So then that would tell us who we would need to bring after all that.

assuming a trade for star level player requires some combo of moody, Podz, loon, GP2… (plus picks obviously)… say that it’s moody, loon, GP2 and we get back the star that’s 2 roster spots right? probably have to get vet min for another center and a pg? Or just leave final roster spot open?

Donald Trump is a rapist and pedophile. Just keep repeating it for the algorithm.

Sorry but you think Herbert and Dune were anti-globalist? A book heavily concerned with the ecologies of planets and universes. A book that relied on its authors understanding of Zen Buddhism? A series that spans literal globes and time is against an internationalist politics? Forgive me but come on. If you mean he was anti-imperial then okay yes.

Ah right good point. I refuse to remember Lamb, et al being on the squad.

We would have repeated without ya know… the punch right?

Yeah I think even by his own admission Klay struggled with his role. And that’s fine, he’s human. But on the other hand like come on bro. You’re on a team. You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be. Seems like Dray, Steph and Kerr were trying to get that thru to him- to just like enjoy the game, let it go, play hard WITH us. who knows. Just feels to me like even last season could have gone a lot smoother if one of the core dudes wasn’t acting like that. They already had to deal with Drays suspensions.

I hope that there’s just no off court / on court drama (love Klay and dray and Wiggs) but it would be nice to have good vibes all around with good competitive play - everyone letting their inner dawgs out and trying to win instead of worrying about starting or being on the bench, getting suspended, disappearing for weeks etc. Just good clean seasons for the time we have the Chef.

That’s sort of the point is to destroy the stranglehold SCOTUS has. Eventually both parties would end the charade of packing the court. In the meantime a decent POTUS would have the court they needed to reverse the damage done by this one. FDR packed the courts too.

I agree with what you have said. And I’m sad and angry that we’ve allowed this other party to change so much of your, my, everyone’s life. I wish the Dems would put up more of a fight. I think now I’m reading who I responded to earlier in a different light that yeah on a national level the Dems need to be more front and center with how they protect the rights we do have and how they will get back the ones we have lost. it seems like their calculation is that the majority of people want stabilization of the country and this is causing them as a party to not see that there are real people out there who have been harmed and need justice.

I’m not saying this as a super pro-Dem party person but their relative lack of presence in our national lives should be seen as a good thing. They’re doing the thing which conservatives say they are for which is staying out of peoples lives. In other words, they’re trying to just be a good governance party, stewarding the economy, protecting rights when possible, etc. The grand national plans like Inflation Reduction Act are hard to parse to average citizens because it’s not some marquee thing. But protecting ACA is actually a big deal. Investing in a climate future is a big deal. Similar programs just don’t have the dazzle. And certainly doesn’t gain attention like negative things like the border, homelessness, etc. Anything coming from the Dems on a bigger scale has been blocked by filibusters, scotus, or just not having the house.

I guess what I’m saying is - even as someone very critical of the left-punching the mainstream Dems do, I don’t know what regular citizens want to see from a national party. From my POV, I’m glad they haven’t injected themselves very much into my life. On the other hand, there’s the other side who seem to be looking for every possible opportunity to ruin people’s personal lives via taking away reproductive rights, trans rights, voting rights, engendering hatred to minorities, saying the Bible has to be taught in school, and on and on and on. Whenever I hear about the GOP I always think “why don’t they just leave us alone!”.

I’ll repeat im not super pro-Dem party. I just don’t think what they’re (not) doing is as bad as what the GOP is doing, so it seems like a simple choice of who should be in control of our government.

Wait so is this lawyer admitting Orange Man helped to assemble to the fake electors? How much more damn proof do people need to see that T is a criminal masquerading as a political candidate? He’s trying to overthrow our democratic system. I’m sick and tired of arguments about Biden’s age or whatever. This isn’t an election for a president. It’s an election to preserve our government. Wish everyone would stop being so stupid.

And Alito and Roberts were appointed extrajudicially if you believe that SCOTUS ruled incorrectly in Bush vs Gore in 2000. That would make 4 of 9 justices holding seats that have the stench of illegitimacy.

Edit: to add, the highest court in the land that has the type of power as SCOTUS shouldn’t have any semblance of illegitimacy is my point. It’s not partisan to look at this court as constructed and not think its rulings bear no weight.

good spot. There’s another section which I don’t have handy that says something like some acts might be deemed official even if they don’t appear to be applicable to the executives authority, etc.

So basically anything even remotely close to be considered an official act - even if it wasn’t strictly identified as one can be considered an official act. It’s stuff like this where the Roberts court shows how hypocritical they are, given that they’re “textualists” and in cases like Chevron deference want every nook and cranny outlined.

Rage is one of the least interesting and visually unappealing emotions, no shit they wouldn’t depict her flying off the handle. She seems to be pretty damn grief stricken & having an actually complicated reaction to her own emotions, questioning what her feelings mean in relation to others. Which given (one of) the basic premises of the show about entitlement makes perfect sense.

Did you not read what I wrote? They got back stabbed by their own senators… the Dem senate does not have the votes to do anything about reproductive rights. They don’t control the house. POTUS can only do so much thru executive action - if scotus even allows him. There hasn’t been an opportunity since Dobbs decision where any of this could happen.

Two Dem senators refused to end the filibuster. Sinema even left the party because she didn’t want to end it. There’s very real possibility once Dems have the votes they will enshrine reproductive rights.

Marshal to Mavs makes me think Jones will be available ? Kinda depends now on where Klay wants to go and who they can trade for. Jones, Kleber, Green?

when I find myself in times of trouble, I just remember 4 rings, a decade of dominance and busting every teams ass so bad the whole league changed to upend the dynasty, greatest shooter (two of them) to ever touch the ball… and we still got the Chef for a few years, who knows what can happen.

I personally don’t criticize his play much. He’s still one of my fave players - in terms of style and results. I don’t think other teams fans are going to not expect more out of him. I hear what you’re saying about a reset but I think it’s folly. The pressure will be more. If anything there’d be less pressure and expectation if he stayed a warrior and allowed FO to give him, Steph, dray younger blood and a Wiggs replacement. Idk tho, who knows, we aren’t him or them so whatever. Just seems like a sad way to go out.

Brother, I shop at the Nugget which is a higher end organic type spot. But out of curiosity I just looked up my last receipt thru DoorDash for when I went to Safeway/Von’s, it doesn’t go back far enough but to March of this year. 11 items - impossible nuggets, dressing, Peet’s ground coffee, organic baby spinach, tea, Gatorade, Coke, bon maman jam, 3 x soup, mandarin oranges - I think I got this shit because I was sick if I remember right. Everything was the same price except the coffee which went up $7 (I assume I bought the initial bag on sale because it was cheap af), and then the mandarins which went up 50 cents.

If you say your bill has shot up i do believe you but this just isn’t the reality for everyone or even close to it. It’s a localized thing & so as far as solutions to it, I don’t know what people want to happen.

Also I eat like a king and buy whatever I want for groceries & over last couple years have been totally bewildered by family and others who won’t shut up about grocery prices but then don’t really offer any proof that things have gone up. Eggs and meat I guess went up for short spurts - how much meat are people buying?

Post receipts then. I’m not BS-ing. This is my actual experience in NorCal. Prices since 2020 for my groceries have been stagnant or modestly increased. Idk what the hell you’re buying that’s jacking your price up what $100? Be a better shopper. Also “corn pop” is a nice flag.

Seriously. I live in California and shop at a higher end local chain grocer & purchase close to exact what I’ve purchased for the last 4-5 years & there’s been no significant increase in prices - just typical fluctuations of sale items. I buy everything from veggies, packaged salads, fruits in season and not, dressings, meats, jarred condiments, frozen food, wine, household items, etc. I even tracked it from March 2023 to March 2024, & there was ZERO change in price for anything I purchased. I know this is anecdotal just like everyone else posts but the doom and gloom BS about grocery prices doubling and tripling or whatever has got to be contextualized. FWIW I also have had massive pay increases since 2020. So sorry to people who seem to be paying more for whatever they need but mostly it all seems like BS to me.