we eat a lot of ryebread in denmark. You need a very sour starter to make the bread moist and you need to not bake it above a core temperature of 97c. I just started baking ryebread myself and my bread came out more moist after this. also try to use cracked rye kernels, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and linseeds that you soak in water (just enough for it to get soaked up) also add your sourdough starter over night on the kitchen counter. i use a mix of these in my ryebread (2/3 of the weight of the amount of rye flour i use).

stackable runes and gems would depreciate their value immensely. Stash management is part of the game and should remain so in my opinion.

det var rigtig lækkert på pescetarian, men også dyrt.

950g brygget kaffe hver dag. 50g bønner

jeg ville holde den først passage meget kortere. Det er i ansøgningen du beskriver hvad du kan bidrage med. Jeg ville også fjerne karaktererne, om end rigtig fine - det virker for studentikost. Du sælger dig selv til samtalen, hvor din faglige dygtighed kommer til udtryk.

wow that could possibly be a world record.

had 23 wins in a row in arena 6 years ago circa.

Slibning koster 70kr pr. kniv under 21cm og 75kr pr kniv over 21cm hos H.W. Larsen. Jeg fik det gjort for nyligt og jeg synes det er noget pebret.

i kan ikke slå os ihjel, i kan ikke slå os ihjeeeel ...

try out underwater rugby. same concept except your diving on the bottom of the pool and you get bruises of the swimming fins everywhere. Its alot of fun though.

ring til visitationen i din kommune og lav en bekymringshenvendelse.

what country do you live in? We have auction houses in Denmark that specialise in expensive artefacts and arts. Your country must have a similar place.

work with cold ingredients even the bowl in the fridge with your flour before and the water used in the freezer. minimum work with the dough and small quantities of water at the time. let the dough rest in fridge before rolling it, let the rolled out dough in the form rest. depending on filling blindbake the dough. if you follow these steps your pie crust always gets good

healthcare is free in denmark. Grocery Shopping can be relatively cheap if you are mindful of last date offers in supermarket and use middle eastern/asian greengrocers for fruit and vegetables.


She is an internationally renowned danish polish painter. i found an article in danish that a painting by her was the most expensive sold of a female danish painter for 680000dkkr (ca 100000dollars) and that was in year 1998. you need an expert to appraise it and determine its authenticity.

an average hr of 177 on a half marathon indicates that you have pushed yourself a lot is not sustainable for twice the distance.

im quite tired after a 3 hour, 30k training run today with elevation gain of 55m. Seeing this makes me wonder how you can manage to complete such a run you did. good job!

it would be too acidic with only rice vinegar.

well then it might be a fine pace for you. gl with your race!