It's official that Warcraft 3 Reforged gets more support than D2R. They release annual balance patches for WC3R (the PTR for the most recent patch is up now) but we get nothing.

I get it you want us all to switch over to Diablo 4 and buy season passes. But, cutting support for this game isn't going to accomplish that. Make Diablo 4 a game worth playing, then maybe I would be interested in playing it.

I bought this game as it seemed like it was the last decent release from Blizzard in a sea of disappointments. To me it was Blizzard's last chance to win back some good faith. Then D4 came out and they dropped support completely.

I'm sure I'll play this game more. I've played D2 on and off since it came out when I was in Highschool. But the way they've treated D2R since the D4 launch has convinced me this is not a company worth giving any more money to.