Can close the comment section down, we’re good here. Nothing else needs to be said. Reserection. Lmao

OP build =/= fun, I got bored of mine and never play it now

Lmao every leading comment here is downvoted, regardless of whether they’re approving or disproving of the work shown. That’s hilarious to me

I always try to be gracious with criticism for fan-made ideas, since I think that it can be really fun to theory-craft stuff that isn’t in the game. So I didn’t want to come off as outright dismissive, hehe.

Why would you call this a scam my dude, this post is the equivalent of click bait

It’s still there, to this day..

These are unfortunately worthless, as they’re entirely outclassed by titans in addition to the lv45 req. If you’re using a javazon and have entirely no luck finding a good pair of zon javelins, you’ll maybe use these for a little bit, but I wouldn’t think for long. Don’t let that discourage you though! Keep it up :)

He did, but he had swapped to a teleport staff and thus he was teleporting with zero defensive stats; probably had low dr% too, combined with amp, that was a death coming a mile away 


Not anymore, if you have cure on your merc, and you should, you can wait it out (it’s still faster than going to town and back), and if you’re on a paladin they’ve always been able to cleanse themselves.

You can also teleport ahead blindly, you just have to be smart and have the correct defensive stats/bp’s. Teleporting in RoF with a teleport staff while amp dmg’d is the definition of reckless, which OP did here. I always pause and let cure remove the curse or if I know none of the monster types are really dangerous then I’ll teleport ahead with the curse still on me and let cure do its work while I’m moving.

If he had enigma, CtA and was able to maintain max block, max resists and some amount of decent dr%, then you can absolutely move around with ease, but should probably use cleanse to remove the curse ahead of time.

Did you switch to a teleport staff with amp dmg on you and teleport into an elite pack with zero defenses/block? Your max block and resists are meaningless when you swap to teleport staff. Of course you died there. 

You’ll be significantly more comfortable in situations like this if you prioritize making yourself a Call to Arms so you can have a decent amount of health; your health is very low to be playing recklessly like that.  

I know others are saying never teleport with amp dmg or other curses on you but realistically if you have enigma, max block, good resists, and a decent health pool after CtA (2.5k+) you can still safely teleport around but you still can’t do what you did here. In Chaos Sanctuary you’re basically perma cursed so just keep your wits about you. Otherwise, use charge on main set so you can maintain and actually use that max block.

I knew what this was in advance and it never gets old lmao.

Yup, the ias changes to off-weapon in addition to shapeshift ias changes means Tomb Reaver is no longer bis, instead, eth Reaper’s Toll with zod or eth death in a glorious axe/decapitator is BiS now (champ axe is runner up), ebotd in thundermaul/archon staff/champ axe is also very good.

My Druid runs an edeath glorious, and glorious it is indeed :)


this site should answer your questions about ladder, and although the article pertains specifically to Season 5, the ladder mechanics remain the same for the current season.

Some things are incorrect in that article, like claiming uniques being upgraded is restricted to ladder-only (this used to be true but is now available in general), but that’s about it.


It’s not a bug. It sounds like because you’re (possibly) new, and didn’t quite understand that you just simply didn’t make a ladder character in the first place if you claim you made it on May 31st, yesterday. You’re getting downvoted because people have explained what has happened to you multiple times and you continue to push back. That can be frustrating for a community trying to lend help.

If you want to make a new ladder character you can do so and join in on S7, or you can stay on nonladder and continue to progress your characters there. 

It’s pretty easy to just not feed them too

It’s just a T4 fractal, don’t worry about it. There will be more opportunities to practice and learn encounters, and it’ll all be chill. Anyone bit chill in T4s shouldn’t be taken seriously. I hope you have a quick recovery friend.

It’s mostly used for a second account with a BO barb on it

It’s just a porn account. Who cares lol

Does it? Sounds pretty clear to me

The highways of Middle America would be gorgeous for one week I tell you, gorgeous