Don't worry when it comes to the Senedd election their votes will look a lot worse. People without a British/Welsh citizenship were not allowed to vote in the GE and they certainly wouldn't vote for reform + if you add the 16/17yo that will be able to vote in the Senedd election hopefully their numbers will look a lot worse.

Exactly, thanks she would appreciate it

In this case when Trump is the alternative? Yes. My dead nan would be better than Trump

a positive is that people like me (residents not british/welsh passports holders) will be able to vote so hopefully reform will get an even smaller & of the votes.

Great day for Wales but definitely worrying when you look at the number of votes they got plus the votes that reform are getting.

they thought brexit would stop immigrants (they meant people other than white) from coming in but it only ended up restricting white immigrants (which they are happy with), while the other immigrants are still coming over.

Now they think voting reform and removing our human rights will stop the other immigrants too.

As an immigrant without a British passport (yet!), I am so happy to be living in this country!

as a non us person, anyone with more than 2 brain cells should vote for Biden and hope that he will be replaced after being elected due to his health.

It baffles me how anyone living in this country especially non Muslim/non Palestinians will not vote for a party just because they haven't said that they will act in a way to help Palestine. Is the situation tragic? Yes. Does UK have any power to do anything about this? No.

Am I right in saying that tories only lost and held seats but did not gain any?

this was obviously sattire

A lot of the right wing ones definitely think that. They know their policies benefit them and other wealthy people, they don't care about the poorer population, from time to time they will do something minor to make it look like they are actually in it to help the regular Joe but if you have more than 2 brain cells you can clearly see that this is not the case.

I want nothing more in my life than for my fiancée to be more successful than me and earn more money than me. Do you really want to be with someone who does not want you to succeed? Yes you can still be successful but once you overtake your "partner" he wouldn't see it that way.

Rethink your relationship, not saying you should break up but even if he goes back on his word, do you want a relationship with someone like this?

Early 20s Male

There are many options, e.g alternate every year, while spending christmas eve/boxing day with the family you are not seeing on the day, go your separate ways on the day or host christmas and invite both...

born in 2000 and remember these.

People that voted leave because they don't like immigration mainly didn't want anyone that's not white etc to come to the country but in return the europeans who came to work here (which the country somewhat relies on due to many factory workers etc) are now leaving or are not allowed to come in and work. So in return the immigration that's important for the country is non existent but the people in need/asylum seekers are now coming in bigger numbers. But leave voters will never blame themselves for this.

In the hatchback region you cannot go wrong with a civic. Ive had an 06 plate and it was so so reliable, as well as pretty comfortable and large ish. Would definitely look into those if i were you!

What shape do you want as this will make a massive difference.

Can you not take the direct ferry Dublin-Liverpool?

Always thought that, as a Pole I found it strange. In Poland you need to tick off all these holy sacraments to have a wedding in a church and most people are somewhat believers. Here I couldn’t name one person that I know who believes so it always baffled me

I like Ronaldo but I do not understand why he keeps doing this.

Not just Germany, Poland has them too and I assume (and hope) that most countries have these. It is best for the kids and definitely better than the alternative.

Our house was pretty bad when we bought it, plaster falling off the ceiling in the living room where there was a leak above in the bathroom, bathroom needing a complete tear down, kitchen needing a complete teardown and a room or two to be plastered.

And this is only the things we saw, we have uncovered a lot more and ended up plastering every single surface in the house, new window sills, new flooring, new doors, new radiators, new boiler (but only because we were moving it and it made sense to also replace it at the same time), brand new full kitchen, new skirting boards.

This house is already in a bad enough state and it will take you mega money and mega time to get it back to a habitable standard.

We have been doing ours since last March and will move in within the next 2 months, it has been a lot to do but thankfully my dad did 97% of the work (and "borrowed" quite a few materials from work such as plaster, metal corners, fillers, silicones, caulks etc) and this saved us a tonne of money but even with us not paying for labour we will end up with roughly £20-£25k spent (without any furniture) and 16 (approx) months of work.

Unless you have somewhere to live, willing to do it yourself, have £50k+ spare and willing to spend a few years on this, or have £150k to pay someone to do it I would definitely walk away.