"you're just wrong bucko" is a DGG/Dan meme...

Yeah, automation support basically turns mine builds into trap builds. All just one button.

With the new automation support, hexblast miner feels a lot like a trapper.

Any of these should do... my build is one of them. I leaned a bit towards being more tanky, but you can also get more damage with haunted modifiers from graveyard crafts (but I couldn't be arsed to do it).

Dunno, it's been very strong for a long time. The extra tech that made it particularly strong this league was call to arms support, which solved all the sustain issues. Automation support also improved the quality of life tremendously.

max damage is like 50% of the sab glass cannon, but trickster's action speed reduction cap makes mapping so much easier (no bullshit slows/freezes/stuns etc.). It allows you to cap spell suppression with less investment, but honestly at moderate investment, you can drop it for heartstopper or charge duration.

At moderate investment (i.e. no necropolis graveyard items), you can get to ~4.3k hp and ~1.5k ES, which combined with ghost shrouds is more than enough to comfortably farm T17s. As for damage, it comes out to something like ~50M dps, which is more than enough to do all the uber pinnacles very easily.

At low investment, trickster has more survivability, but most importantly it has the min action speed thing which makes mapping so much easier. 4.5k life + ~1k ES + Ghostshouds is enough survivability to comfortably do T17s (with some rolling).

At medium investment (sandstorm visage, profane proxy, +2 6L carcass jack), you do like 40 M dps, which is maybe half of the glass cannon version's damage, but it's still enough to breeze through sanctum. It was enough dps/tankiness to do all uber pinnacle fights (except exarch) deathless.

Ventrua's got a good guide that includes some basic (non-necropolis) crafting advice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkmlNkjsZTI

Yeah, it was what I started with. His league start crafting guide was super useful. I eventually took the build further than he did by taking advantage of necropolis crafting and tatoos. I also used a slightly different aura set-up, but at it's core it's Ventrua's build.

This is my first league where I've only played one character from league start to clearing literally all content... hexblast mines trickster. literally zero investment needed to get going, while upgradeable to almost 80 M dps.

All leagues prior to this one: 1 natural T0 drop

Necropolis league: 6 natural T0 drops (all natural gameplay, no special unique farming strats)

And I've been playing since Perandus league.

Yeah, there was just way too much CGI throughout the whole trilogy... from the juggling plates at the beginning of the first movie to Legolas hopping from stone to stone of a collapsing bridge at the end of the third, it was all one long uncomfortable journey down the uncanny valley.

Oh god... there's too many layers of irony going on here. I'm guessing Harley is joking and making a reference to the Brad tweet... but are the replies real? Are they continuing the joke? Are they getting wooshed or are the people saying woosh getting wooshed?

People being legit insane has ruined deadpan sarcasm for me. It's no longer obvious when jokes are jokes and when absurd statements are real.

It was so fucking obvious that xQc was just trying to virtue signal. His brain was complete off during that conversation.

Oh shit, just realized that jihadi heaven is to be a fucking cow.

Pritzker might be a bit too "rich guy" to get the necessary broad appeal.

Pete would be awesome, especially having some national exposure being secretary of transportation, but I think establishment folks would prefer that he serve time in a national-level elected office (e.g. senator/governor). That said, maybe Trump's election was enough to set a new precedent.

Whitmer needs to raise her national profile. Only being known as the potential victim of a kidnapping plot doesn't feel like it's enough.

Yeah, imagine leaving a bag in a taxi... no record of which cab or which company. I got lucky and happened to have a nice driver who went out of his way to bring my bag back to the hotel i was staying in because I had no idea which of the 3-4 cab companies operating at the Atlanta airport I had taken.

Newsom is popular with California progressives, but California progressives are out of touch with most of the rest of the country. No matter how you look at it, it’s a risk

Exactly, you don’t elect a man, you elect an administration. I would trust the team Biden’s corpse would put together over the gaggle of sycophants Trump would bring in any day.

What was actually needed was for taxi companies to convert to/incorporate an app service. The perks of Uber/Lyft like calling a ride to you, real-time tracking of your position, tracking of route history, automatic billing when the ride is over – all of these things are such massive QoL improvements over standard taxis when Uber first launched (and honestly even still today in a lot of places).

And that is why family members of victims aren't allowed to be judge or jury during legal proceedings.

Would be hilarious if, in fitting with the card's name, GGG had a secret requirement that it can only drop if the player who kills the boss was already dead.

I'd drop determination. Without that reservation, you might even be able to drop the clarity/mana cost watcher's eye (not sure though). If you have enough accuracy, you can drop precision. I'm also bad at using Berserk, so you might not even need it considering your uptime may be limited. Also, you could go for getting Anger from a corrupted ring/amulet implicit. The league is kind of dead now so there probably aren't any on the market, but Berek's Rings/Taming is cheap enough you can corrupt a whole stash tab to try to hit it.

Among those options, it should be possible to pick 2 to drop for CwDT-Immortal Call (IMO, the strongest of the defensive options that person suggested for your build).

I still do not understand why/how this was kept under wraps for so long. Like what changed that meant this could now come out?