She is absolutely setting this kid up to be a major mean girl in the future. It’s not funny or cool now, and it is definitely going to lead to a bunch of issues with socializing and self-confidence later. Good luck, A!  It’ll partially be your fault so you reap what you sow!

How did he seem like a jerk?  I remember her being married but don’t recall any details 

Pardonmuahinsta’s constant talk about being pregnant and a mother seems unhinged. Obviously it’s an exciting time, but everything (up to Chipotle orders and the color of shirt she is wearing) is related back to pregnancy and “boy mom life.”  And she’s not even in second trimester yet, is she?  

Why does she make taking meds look so complicated?  It seems like she does all these extra steps that make her look like a mad scientist mixing together a concoction! 

Also, that kitty is adorable!!  He’s like can you please stop slurring and moving your hands so I can just sleep?

She literally seems high as a kite. What is going on…

There are all different types of extensions, and they vary widely in quality. I have tape in extensions, highlights and lowlights, about 16 small wefts.  It matches my hair color perfectly, and you cannot tell I’m wearing them. People are always floored when they comment on my hair length and fullness, and I tell them it’s extensions. They’re very high maintenance and a lot of work - cannot wear in a pool, have to work around the extensions when washing your hair, need to dry your hair fully prior to laying down at night (which takes about 70 minutes for me), need to brush your hair carefully and often etc etc.  They cost about $650 for the product, and installation with hair color is about $300. You can reuse them over and over, and my hair stylist said if they are cared for appropriately, you can use them for up to two years consistently before needing new ones. You go to the salon every 6-8 weeks or so to get them “moved up” as your hair grows. I notice at around 4 weeks that they start feeling loose on me.   I do love them, but the only reason I got them was for my wedding and it’s surrounding festivities. It otherwise is not worth the hassle to me.

That last three minutes of the show!!!  I balled like a baby, and I’m still thinking about it!  It was so profound in a simple way, and both actors were just so terrific. 

Don’t do one of my favorite songs like that 

Dumb and vile videos like this mixed in with photos of her kids just doesn’t sit right… and they’re also not funny like she thinks they are.  

How many times with this frickin coffeeeeee stoppppp

I follow this stylist, and her recommendations and suggestions are also… questionable… sometimes 

It is sooo annoying. She has to open her can like a weirdo or take a sip from her ugly ass water container every time she’s recording. 

There’s nothing wrong with feeling comfortable in your body and loving your body, and there’s nothing wrong with no exactly loving your body and finding yourself uncomfortable with some parts of it. Let’s not make our bodies such a big deal, either way!  Let’s learn to celebrate other things about ourselves maybe?  I’ve been having people ask me if I lost weight recently and that I look good, but I didn’t lose weight, and if I did, it wasn’t so I would be noticed for it, and honestly it makes me feel a little sad that people notice it. It’s just not what we should all be so focused on :(

The OA gutted me… granted I just watched for the first time about a month ago, but I desperately wanted more!!

This is literally so annoying. All of it. I don’t know why people act like this when they find out a friend is pregnant?  For me, it’s literally like an OMG that’s so exciting and a hug!  Not a set up a camera and scream at the top of your lungs situation…

Oh just simply just put a line of the contour stick underneath your injected cheek fillers where your face looks totally hollow, can’t mess this up. Hate to break it to you, but a lot of people don’t have definition (real or fake) in their face like that 😂

ETA: should have scrolled down to see adequate discourse regarding this topic already!

Same. I would kind of just classify it as “exercising” or “working out”. She sounds try hard when she says that she “lifts”.  Have I ever seen her list more than like 10 pound hand weights?  I don’t pay much attention. 

Yes!  I am nothing like Courtney, at all. BUT when I first started dating my soon to be husband, he took things slow and made his intentions about seeing where things go/hoping for a long term relationship clear, but didn’t rush into making things official or becoming super attached upfront. It was so different than other flings I’d had where you’re like immediately texting all the time and planning a future together and having intimate conversations before you’ve even been together for a reasonable amount of time. I felt so lost and confused in the very beginning because I was used to the RUSH of a whirlwind. I’m happy I got past that!  

Hm, the more you know. This coming from a physician. I’ve never learned about this or seen it before. 

Can anyone translate what Emily Ann Gemma’s daughter is saying in that video posted to her stories??  Something she said that made them nearly choke apparently. I’m hearing “Is the house so freezing?” “…something… sweetie?”  Even John is looking at her/the camera like heh, heh, okay, moving on…