But why do I feel like they JUST finished building this house?

CoQ10- alternatives?

Is there anything else one can take to get the same effects as CoQ10 for low sperm motility? Every time my partner takes it, they have horrible stomach issues.

Ovarian Care delayed my period?

I started taking Thorne’s overian care in the middle of my cycle and I’m now 8 days late. I started taking it because I stopped ovulating. Could it be because of the ingredients that have delayed my otherwise very regular cycle? (Im not pregnant)

I just discovered her new insta today. I was surprised to see she’s had it since January!

Thorne supplements

I have been taking Thorne prenatals ever since starting our TRC journey a year and a half ago. Since then my cycles have become longer and longer. I just started also taking the Thorne Ovarian care but am wondering if taking both of those is a little too much. Thoughts?

Is Courtney shields vocal fry real?

Can strep delay ovulation?

On CD 22 and still haven’t ovulated/ no LH surge in sight. I’ve had EWCM the last 3 days but am still waiting for a spike. I am just getting over strep throat which started last week and I’m wondering if that is what has delayed my usually very regular ovulation. Thoughts?

No. Been trying for a year and a half. This just started really out of no where. The only thing I can think of is I gained probably 10 pounds

Cycle getting longer

Every month my cycle is getting a day or two longer. Until 6 months ago my cycle was always 29-31 days. Then it became 35 and now I’m ovulating later and later every month. What in the world is happening?

Pregnant after antibiotics?

Has anyone gotten pregnant after a round of antibiotics (for something unrelated)?

Recurrent miscarriage

Has anyone had recurrent miscarriages and found out it was based on their husbands sperm/ an issue after testing? If so, what was the issue

Anyone ever have a blighted ovum? I had one then a chemical 2 months later. Haven’t been able to get pregnant since and that was 12 months ago. The BO really throws me for a loop. It’s like your body playing a mean trick on you.

Came here to say the same thing. Poor guy looks so sick :(

Accupuncture for fertility?

Anyone ever do Accupuncture to help concieve? I feel like everyone has a friend of a friend who it has worked for. Starting next week and wanted to see if anyone had opinions on it. Been ttc for 12 months with a miscarriage month 2 of trying. No success since so trying anything and everything before medical intervention.

My prenatal has vitamin D and yes to the CoQ10. Go figure!

Normal AMH Levels?

I had my AMH levels tested last year around this time and found myself in a position to have them tested again, almost a year to the day later. Im am 34F and last year they were 3.88 and this year they are 3.94. Should I be concerned the number is going up? I think its still in normal range? But curious what people think or have experienced.


I don’t know why I’m having so much trouble understanding this - but your BBT just confirms you did ovulate, right? It can’t really help you predict your peak LH day or your actual ovulation day, right?

Cycle getting longerQuestions

I am 34. About five months ago my period came a week late (usually 30-31 day cycle) and since then my cycle has continued to be 35-36 days. Nothing in my life has drastically changed so I just can’t figure out what is happening.

How did you find your RE? Looking for one myself.

Had a blight ovum Dec of 2022 and a chemical in March of 23. Haven’t been able to get a BFP since! Turning 34 next week and feeling so defeated.

no flair set

It’s been one year since my last miscarriage. Have not been able to get pregnant since. And in the meantime, over the last few months, my cycle has gone from 30-31 days to 35-36 days. I’m 33 years old and cannot figure out what is happening. Any thoughts are welcome.

Just passed the year mark since my last chemical pregnancy. No success since. Now over the last 4 months my cycle has become 35-36 days instead of 29-30. Getting more and for frustrated and don’t know what is happening. 33 years old and feel like time is running out.

We get it Dani Austin. You want a third kid. We get it.

Does Shealeighmills have a new BF? Looking at her stories thinking maybe I missed something.