It’s a month long in my neighborhood. It’s been going on a week already, and will go a few more weeks after the 4th. Luckily, thunderstorms are forecast the night of the 4th, so it won’t be a literal war zone.

I would just kill it with an iron if you want it to lay flat.

Partassipant [4]

NTA for simple health/safety reasons. Summer renfairs are NOT the place for furry costumes unless you want heatstroke. There are plenty of tail/ears costume accessories that could fit the typical renfair aesthetic without endangering the wearer. Linen/cotton fabrics and loose skirts are much smarter, and more comfortable for outdoors in July/Aug.

If you’re super picky about not having dog hair around the house, yes.

Like any other shorthaired dog. I get a handful of hair off her every day.

Again, why would she know that? Why would you trust her to know that? YOU should know what the size containers are allowed on a plane when YOU’RE the one flying. A little personal responsibility, here.

Why would a Lush employee know if you can take something on a plane?

First time = seat belt. Period. No more standing on the seat. No more interacting with other passengers. Keep her butt in place!

Partassipant [4]

NTA. At 12, he should just have his own bag for supplies he needs.

Partassipant [4]

NTA. She IS a dumbass - Not just for trying to bake a plastic cutting board, but for not turning off the oven off immediately when it started billowing smoke.

At least she got your dog outside.

I’d consider if this is a girl you can trust at home by herself for the rest of your life, or if she needs constant supervision.

Health issues aren’t exaggerated. If you decide to rescue, be prepared for that. If you decide to go to a breeder, insist on seeing the parents, vet records, health testing, and get references from recent and distant buyers.

NTBA. But your mom is normalizing YOU, as the girl, taking responsibility to keep the peace. This is pervasive and sneaky sexism that’s ingrained in our society. Don’t fall for it! Your brother is just as responsible for stepping away from an argument as you are!

Partassipant [4]

NTA. I don’t even go to bed without a shower if I’ve been out in public during the day. The bed is for CLEAN things - people and dedicated pjs. Not jackets and clothes.

Partassipant [4]

NTA (if this isn’t a service dog), but BIL is. I’m a dog person. I have dog people friends. But even when attending gatherings at other dog-owning homes, I get the OK to bring my dog, first. Your BIL just showed up to a non-dog home with his dog. AND didn’t pick up after it! Major AH behavior.

Millennial, here. Absolutely not. I can barely afford to live my own life, and they have heaps of savings to fall back on.

Partassipant [4]

The pill only works up to a certain point. It’s possible she wasn’t ready/able to make that decision soon enough. Or he was convincing her against it.

Partassipant [4]

What you can’t tell from the x-ray is that the head of the femur was blown out of the BODY. It protrudes from under the buttocks.