I assume they're telling me they only want Christian customers. It just seems polite not to bother them with my dirty heathen money.

I hope I remember this right, but I think Jason Isbell said something about they never needed a set list until they got big enough to have a lighting director. That person has to know the cues.

I wouldn't read that as a second stem. A lower stem would be on the other side. I think it means you can fill in chord tones below the melody note.

There they were, just minding their business and trying to live their lives in a way that makes sense to them, when these God-and-country busybodies come along trying to use their money to hurt Chick-fil-a and make their lives harder. Man, I bet that stings. Poor dears.

I play with a songwriter who swears he "doesn't know anything about music", yet he writes well constructed songs with ii-V-I patterns, circles of 5ths, diminished and augmented passing chords, on and on. He knows theory the way a person can know how to speak a language, even if they can't name the parts of speech or diagram a sentence.

If it's loud enough to be un-mic'd in the space, it'll be fine either way. Nobody else in the bar will ever notice the difference between mic'd amp or amp alone, except maybe your one guitar nerd friend. I'd tip it back so it points at least somewhat toward your head, so you can tell how loud it really is. It's hard to hear with your knees. If it's not loud enough on its own, then ask for a mic.

Sometimes a song is like a magic trick and stops being amazing once you find out how it's done.

A full on undead invasion, witnessed by many people, and not a single witness thought it was notable enough to write it down. "Dear Louise, you'll never believe what happened yesterday..."

Celluloid Fender heavy for 40 years. I started playing mandolin and changed my pick grip over the last couple years and now I really like heavy round mandolin picks like the "Dawg" pick. Nice tone, less pick noise, and fits my new grip.

If you're planning to get rid of this machine anyway, it might be worth flattening it and installing Linux Studio and Reaper. It might cost time and learning, but not money, and it might work for you. If it doesn't, you can still buy a new laptop.

That is the correct color for those. Enjoy!

If the situation calls for a snarky response, my favorite is, "Please don't; I'm in the control group."

The -izz- infix was used the same way by carnies in the early 1900s. I don't know how Snoop came up with it, but I heard Black kids using it when I was in school in the 1970s.

First, there's nothing wrong with your accent. It's very nice. I was hearing Eastern Europe, and I saw you said you're Greek. I haven't spoken with enough Greek people to spot it. One sound that caught my ear is when you said the word "think", it sounded to my ear like "thing". You could try hitting that k sound in "ink" syllables, just enough to make a little puff of air but not too hard.

Even if it weren't a quality guitar, they at least fixed the worst thing about the 335 - putting the jack on the rim instead of the front.

If you can route the neck pocket and pickguard so you can move the neck 3/4" closer to the bridge, then plug and redrill the screw holes, it will work great.

I've had that for 40 years. During the rona times I started messing with mandolin and holding a pick differently for that, with the index finger curled under, pick pinched between thumb and first finger knuckles. That's started to change my guitar pick hold to where it's about 50-50 now, without even thinking about it

I was recently in line at the grocery store behind a woman in full covering, with just her eyes showing. She had hair dye in her cart. I assumed she wanted to make her hair pretty for somebody.

If the neck is old or special enough to be valuable, you could put another neck on the guitar to play and save the vintage neck for eventual resale. Depending on the neck, that would cost the same or less than a refret over maple. That's why they make 'em easy to swap.

I got significantly less depressed after I let go of the idea that someone else was riding around inside my head constantly judging all my thoughts and feelings.