What is Aleppo?

Tbh I don't remember anymore, but it seems to line up with a time when I tried playing aztec in a few games, so probably!

Acolyte? ACOLYTE??


I feel like I've seen this point around for a while but I have yet never had a real religious threat from another civ (on deity). Even in games where I don't get a religion, nobody is ever near a religious victory. Does this only happen on pangea type maps (that I don't usually play) or have I just not encountered it yet?

Climate Activism in DC

Hi all,

I haven't been one to do much activism in the past, but with the way things are going, I'd like to get more involved in climate activism. Does anyone know the state of climate activism in DC? Who are some of the main players/organizations and what are they up to? (Or where should I go to look this up--not trying to be lazy by asking here, just lost and overwhelmed by the amount of stuff on google)

If it helps, I'm personally less interested in the type of activism that involves passing around pamphlets (nothing wrong with that, just not what I'm looking for), and more so interested in "confrontational" activism, e.g., interacting with congresspeople and/or other influential persons.

Thanks in advance!

Lol, why am I being down voted? This is literally how the game works. You can be "not sure" all you want, but the open borders mechanism works by giving you +25% tourism towards a civ you have given open borders to.

No, I get the bonus if I give you open borders. The tourism argument doesn't work for this post. Why would Cleopatra care if OP gives her open borders? It would do nothing to her tourism, only OP's.

Um actually... pretty sure Viggo Mortensen breaks his toe in that scene, not Aragorn 🤓

I think it's very clear from OP's post that the men that are approaching him aren't taking no for an answer and are being very pushy.

I feel like I did my part when I broke up a huge group of police bikers as they were crossing during a red light by laying on my horn as I approached them 🫡

I feel like I did my part when I broke up a huge group of police bikers as they were crossing during a red light by laying on my horn as I approached them 🫡

Of course white would never win this position, but that's not the point. If the flagged player has all their pieces and the other player only has a pawn, a win would be given to the player with the pawn even if it's incredibly improbable that they would ever win the position.

What exactly is the difference between "with no losses" and "goes undefeated for entire tournament?" 🤔

There is a mod, I believe, that makes each era the length of a marathon game. Not sure if that's too long for you, but you should give it a shot! Maybe someone here can remember what it's called.

?? And they scored 47. It's a more defensive team than other duke teams we've seen before. UVA won it all while barely making it above 60 points most games. Do you just watch NBA games or something?

Yeah, buying/selling and old car seems like the best option at this point. I can't believe there aren't any mid-length options available, but I can't find any

Lease up on Model 3

Hi all,

I'm looking for advice about what to do now that my lease is almost up.

Some facts first: my lease is up in June, I currently live in DC, and I'm planning on moving to NYC summer of '25, where I do not want to have a car.

I can extend my lease up to 6 months according to my contract, and that would take me to December 22, but that still leaves me with ~6 months where I need a car. Has anyone been successful in prolonging their lease past the 6 months? What options would I have if not? The only long-term rentals for 6 months that I'm seeing are obscenely priced ($1,250+ per month).

Also, if anyone has a recommendation for where to post this instead of here, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.

If they are looking to get acquired, even the threat of a lawsuit might be enough to get them to settle and give you a percentage of the company. I worked at a startup that was about to be acquired and someone who had kind of helped come up with the idea but didn't put any work towards the startup threatened to sue and got a decent chunk, like 4% of the startup that sold for 8 figures (and the final product was very very different from the initial idea). The uncertainty of a trial would have probably made the buyer back out, so they really had no other option.

ETA: But you need to talk to a lawyer. No reason not to have a free consultation.

London Arsenal bars in Soho?

Hi all, my group and I are visiting and want to watch the game tonight at an arsenal pub, but I'm not sure I can convince them to go too far from where we are staying in Soho. Do you all have any recommendations for pubs around Soho (or a 20-30 walk at most) that will have a large number of arsenal fans?

Thanks in advance!!

I don't know about other difficulties, but they definitely do on deity.

Yep--rock bands are broken and are the best way to ease to a cultural victory. You have to keep pumping them out until you get that legendary rock band (level 4) that seems like they will never retire.

If I'm not getting too much faith per turn in a game, I'll usually wait to buy a rock band until I get the "Hallyu" policy card that allows you to choose its promotion. Then, spam rock bands that perform at 2 levels higher on theater squares (less likely they will retire). After about 5-10 rock bands you should have your level 4 rock band that performs at level 6 on theater squares (only 4% chance of retiring!). As the albums sold keeps increasing, so will the amount of tourism it generates! I'm playing a game right now where my rock band just generated 51k tourism last turn, and they're not done yet!

If I generate a shit ton of faith, then I start pumping out rock bands as soon as they're available. It's a numbers game after all, and waiting for Hallyu when rock bands are more disposable (higher faith generation) gets tedious.