When America sneezes the world catches a cold…

Ooh quite near my work! I’ve never been before. I’ll stop by tmrw otw in. Thanks (bake) mate!

Craving a good min jiang kueh but the hawker near me doesn’t have a stall anymore. Pls share your secret neighbourhood min jiang kueh stalls

Thanks! We are from a region that doesn’t encounter earthquakes so it is a bit foreign to us and wanted to be aware of what to expect this week when we are there.

Yilan aftershocks still ongoing?Travel

Hi, we are coming to Taiwan tomorrow. I had read on the forum that aftershocks were still quite common. Could I please check how frequent they are felt in Yilan at the moment please? I’ll be travelling with a young child and originally we wanted to go to the Zhang Mei farm in Yilan and would like to be prepared!

Seconded the low dose Roaccutane. Cleared up my jaw and cheek which was similar to yours very quickly and I had no peeling/dryness to speak of.

Can you help validate a blurry childhood memory of mine? Was there a little Ferris wheel upstairs inside an arcade? Was that Funworld?

Eh I’ve been there and while the view was nice the food was so-so. Just take the cable car for the view then head to one of the other places recommended higher up in the chain if you’re really looking to treat your tastebuds!

Seconded this. It’s such a well designed park! Lots of shady places for parents to lie down and get a coconut delivered to your lap. Our family really loved our visit too.

Byrd House at the Segara Village hotel offers use of the nice new pools if you order enough food. I think it was 2 or 300k per adult if I remember correctly.

We are in Tulamben/Amed and it’s been perfect weather this past week despite it being low season. Some rain on some late afternoons/evenings, but bright and clear in the mornings. For reference, all the weather apps told me it was thunderstorms all day before our arrival so I was worried too before coming but the forecasts were way off.

Things that would make it hard to sell down the line. Eg. - too near any places of worship (even if I don’t mind, whoever I sell to next time might have issue with the parking/noise/smoke/feng shui and use it to lowball) - potential construction/building redevelopment too close to the windows (suffer thru a year or more of noise - weird neighbours upstairs (this one rly see your luck) - badly maintained common grounds (if private property, cos you’ll end up paying for it down the line)

Other random things I looked out for: - a quiet road that can’t be used as a shortcut to any main road so cars aren’t bombing through every morning - every toilet has a window and not just an exhaust fan so there isn’t that weird musty hotel toilet smell - living room door not too close to neighbours door so I don’t hear ah gong listening to conspiracy theory videos on the couch when he leaves the door open - some/any school within 1km (so more demographic of people to sell to down the line)

No perfect place tbh. Tick enough boxes and make it your own! Good luck!

Was this last Wednesday on the PIE? Was driving in the next lane and saw the same exact thing happen in the fast lane and chuckled to myself.

Have been through the process and agree it is common in today’s market. We made the 1% cheque out to the seller and it went toward the option. Maybe all the people downvoting you haven’t been through it recently.

You can change his and your door to (somewhat) soundproof doors. They are heavier, and have seals around the edges of the door. If you’re having trouble sleeping I’m sure your mother must be suffering too. Change everyone doors!!

I actually think it’s a melted red rubber band too. Source: am Singaporean. It’s hot here

Thanks I will try doing it this way next time!

I did follow the instructions and download the app. All attempts to detect the camera on the app come up with nothing.

X2 cannot be activated

I bought a brand new X2 from the website and it doesn’t get detected by my iPhone 12/ my husbands iPhone 13. There is no Wifi signal that my desktop can detect. I’ve tried all the things I see on the forums like updating firmware, changing the region, trying it with the camera on different menu screens, in different languages. Nothing works. Has anyone managed to get their money back from Insta360 or get a new replacement camera shipped to them? This has been a really disappointing experience.


A simple way might be to let every customer get issued a raffle ticket to win a prize as they come in. And at the end of every hour you can roll a bingo cage and see which lucky person gets the prize of the hour? I imagine that would lead to quite a fun sort of buzz in the restaurant for a moment. I know drunk me would be so happy to win a return 1 drink+oyster voucher (and then I would probably lose the return voucher but the fond memory would remain!)

Do you take all of them at the same time? Or do you need to make sure some don’t interact with others etc?