/r/taiwan: Welcome to Taiwan!

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Weekly Travel, Questions, & Mandarin ThreadDiscussion

This thread is for:

  • Travel queries & information.
  • Generic questions that most likely won't generate discussion as their own thread.

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Thank you for family in Taiwan?Discussion

I just went to see the Taiwanese side of my family a little while ago, and they were so kind and generous (fancy buffet lunch, many gifts, etc). I'm not super in touch with my Taiwanese side, so I'm not exactly sure of the etiquette in this situation- is this a common occurrence for visiting family members, and how can I thank them for the lovely experience and repay them for the substantial amount of money they must have spent on things? I was thinking of sending one of those fancy gift baskets with little snacks and dried fruits and flowers, but I'm not entirely sure what's allowed across the border into Taiwan because I don't live there. Is there a go to gesture to repay the favor, given that I'm unable to host them in my home in the same way? TDLR; my Taiwanese family members pulled out all the stops for my visit, and I feel bad that they went to all that trouble! How can I repay them for their kindness?

Question: what do people do here in the morning? (I’m at Taipei)Discussion

It seems that the great majority of the stores and even malls don’t open until 11:00 to 11:30 AM. What do people do before that time?

Of note, I don’t really want to get all sweaty this early in the morning.

Short stories from TaiwanDiscussion

Can anyone recommend any short stories from Taiwan?

I've looked through some old posts on here and gotten some good recommendations for books, which I plan to read in English translation (my library has a couple of them!), but I was hoping to find a short story to motivate myself to improve my Mandarin reading with traditional chatacters. It would be really great if I could find one as a pdf to read using Pleco to translate words on the way, but I can always use the dictionary normally if I can't find a pdf of course.

I would just be more motivated and enjoy reading some fiction, any genre, than when trying to practice with news articles or textbooks.

Taipei 101 via 44 South Military VillageTravel

Hello! My partner and I will be visiting Taiwan I am planning to propose there. Are there any recommended place where there is a beautiful view of Taipei 101 at night?

I found a place called 44 South Military Village and would you know if this place is very public and if it’s open at night? Appreciate other recommendations as well as I prefer it under beautiful set of lights.


Single Entry Visa -> A.R.C Multiple Entry?Discussion

Hi, sorry of the title is weird.

I will be studying at NTHU for a year (Fall 2024-Spring 2025). I already filled out my VISA papers and it says "Resident VISA" and "Single Entry". I got an email from NTHU saying that I should request a resident VISA and when I get there, to apply for the A.R.C. My question is, once I get my A.R.C, will I be able to leave and enter Taiwan without a problem during my year of study?

If possible I would like to visit Japan during winter break so I want to know if it will be even possible or not.

Best stuff to buy in Taiwan?Travel

I’m going to Taiwan later this year. I’d like to know what are the things that’re popular and cheap to buy in Taiwan compared to other countries? I’ve been looking into them but there’s really nothing much to find online except the usual goods you bring home to your family and friends... like the souvenirs and some Taiwanese snacks, usually. I’d like to know what is there to go all-out shopping for... like, if I go to SoKor, I’d buy lots of skincare and cosmetics,,, if Japan, their shoes priced way less than its SRP from where I live... Please do let me know if you have any idea where I could splurge on when shopping 😊

Thank you so much! 🤍

Scholarship and UniversityInteresting

Does anyone know how to apply scholarship in Taiwan , or how to apply as a foreign student , I just found some article about you can study in taiwan with scholarship and after you graduate you can have your own professional ID or APRC ( i think ) , I actually like it here so I'm thinking of staying here for a long period of time..

Cheese Travel

Hey! Are we allowed to bring cheese from Europe into Taiwan in check in luggage?:)

Good thrift in taichungDiscussion

Im ofw from ph and i want to get some vintage shirts if got lucky but dont have any idea wheres the thrift stores here.

Ximending to Alishan: Day TripDiscussion

Hello! Anybody here knows what's the easiest way going to Alishan from Ximending?

We plan on doing this as a day trip tour only.

EDIT: Thanks for all your comments. Decided not to go to Alishan anymore due to time constraints.

If you have any other suggestions for day trip from Taipei, that's not the usual ones, please please feel free to suggest.

NCCU HousingDiscussion


I’m an incoming CLC student at NCCU this August (Fall term 2024). Sadly my friend and I were on the waitlisted for iHouse and Campus dorms and we are currently looking for apartments or outside female dormitories and some of them are really expensive. I’m staying for 3 months only and my friend is up until 9 months!!

Do any of you kmow any off campus housing near NCCU with a budget range between 7,000-10000 NTD? Please let me know 🥹🙏

vinyl shops in tainan or taichung?Travel

i’m headed to tainan, then taichung shortly after, and i’m searching for vinyl shops that sell taiwanese indie records! i’ve been looking for for a no party for cao dong vinyl my entire trip but no luck so far 😭

Places to take a break in Taipei and Kaohsiung? Travel


I’m going to Taiwan for the second time with my partner this summer and couldn’t be more pumped! I must admit though that I’m not so used to the fast paced day to day life as much as some and found it a bit overwhelming last time. I’d love some recommendations for quiet chill places if I get a little anxious/overwhelmed (museums, galleries, coffee shops, cool specialty stores, anything quirky, architectural gems, anywhere where you could just power down for a bit!). Thanks in advance!

Taipei Weather Late AugustTravel

Is the heat and humidity really going to be unbearable on the last week of August (24-26) this year? I am planning on visiting Taipei from the Philippines (it's hot and humid here as well). Is a 3 day trip not gonna be worth it for me? I am mostly interested with the street foods at the Night Market. I really want an advice who had experienced travelling there and living there. Thank you very much!

Weight Loss Surgery TaiwanDiscussion

I'll preface this by saying I'm not here for your opinions or suggestions to eat healthy and exercise. This is a difficult question. Please be kind.

Has anyone every had weight loss surgery in Taiwan?

I moved here last year and am considering looking into it, but I'm having trouble finding information about how much it costs and if it's covered under NHI. I would love to hear your experience.

Mode of transport in KinmenTravel

Hello everyone! Planning to spend a day or two in Kinmen island when I return to Taiwan in late October. Can anyone advise on the mode of transport available in the area?

I don’t know how to drive a scooter or a bike. Was hoping to visit some of the old villages as well as war museums like Guningtou.


Eva Airlines and oversized checked in luggageTravel

I recently bought a super light Samsonite C-lite luggage and realized later it is 72.4” which is over the international limit of 62”. Too late to return and I really like it as it weigh only 7.9lbs. Anyone knows if EVA airline will allow this and I have to pay a fine and how much?