My dad died when I was 18. I (38f) got married at 24. I asked my brother to walk me down the aisle (my parents divorced when I was 5, so my older brother pretty much helped raise me more than my dad did). Idk if it was seen as weird, but as the main male role model, he’s who I wanted beside me the most.

My point is, your niece sees you as her father figure, regardless of how you’re actually related. It’s HER day after all. Your wife needs to let it go and quit being weirdly jealous/ controlling. Perhaps she’d be willing to have a deeper conversation on why it bothers her so much, but I don’t think you’re the AH for being willing to do it.

She’s his first daughter. She whines at the window when he’s not home. 🥹

It’s hard to think clearly at 16, especially about a future spouse. The things I thought wouldn’t be a big deal have been the hard structure of my marriage. 14 years going on 50 is how it feels sometimes!

Long term lovequestion
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Got inheritance of $250k and blew it all within 5 years….

Congrats on the marriage!

I’m in a similar boat. Pension with almost 5 years in. I guess I should stay until I’m totally vested (I think 5 years also). That many meetings is crazy, but I also haven’t worked a tech/ IT job. My brother is a higher up product manager and is always in meetings… hopefully you’ll be able to find something more your style. And at the end of the day, a pension doesn’t “go bad”, right? So technically you could have a pension and 401k/ etc… right? (I feel like I should know these things!).

Vaginal birth after 2 c-sections and being told I absolutely should/ could not do it. Not only did I do it, but with no meds and was 9cm when we pulled into the hospital parking lot. 😅

Thanks- makes sense. I agree with the parts you love- holidays, pension, etc. Just don’t know if it’s worth grinding for long term. We shall see!

I’d love to know what line of gov’t you’re in. I work for a county department so pay won’t ever touch what private sector could offer (like $20-$40k difference minimum). They also don’t allow WFH 😭. And 2 weeks vacay just makes me sad.

I’ve been wondering this as well. Currently 4 years into public sector at a county gov’t job making around $65k plus pension, insurance, etc. The tech jobs that start at $80k and increase quickly with tons of PTO… it’s just very hard to want to stay in government and miss those opportunities. I’m in my 30s with kids so extra money would be greatly appreciated. It’s a hard decision!!

But did you go back because its public sector, or bc the new job sucked?

Wondering how all this played out OP?

Damn. Sorry you’re in a shit mood. I did read to the end, and I also recognize that this isn’t the thread for this. However, hopefully the op understands even with their admin cert, its still hard to land an interview/ job currently. IMO saying ‘take the test asap’ leads to thinking a job is right around the corner. Perhaps I’m being too pessimistic.

You say this like it’s easy to get an entry level position…?

As someone currently studying for the admin test, these responses are increasingly depressing.

Hi! Trying to figure out the same for my dog. Any success with the Kirkland foods? Thanks!

Hi- I’m new to SF and coming from a public sector point of view. Any suggestions on getting an entry job? Working on obtaining my admin cert currently. Someone mentioned 508 compliance and I looked into that briefly but not sure how to really dig into it. Thanks in advance!