That’s what I want to say to all the comments saying Rach copied her hair. 1. Their hair doesn’t even look similar? 2. Dumb bitch copied and pasted her life what are you on about? Sorry the leader of your cult has you so brainwashed and you can’t find your way out. Hair is hair, children’s toys are children’s toys… next!

Who the fuck cares???? Like you said, Jacob may have mentioned he liked it. And even if he didn’t… WHO CARES? We’re talking about a little boy going to two different homes, doesn’t mean his interest change? Maybe this is something he’s into right now and both his parents know it? This isn’t even snark, just like the majority of their page.

I just know stanky is screaming, crying, throwing up at how HOT Rach looks and all the positive comments she’s getting 🥰

For real!!! Not only are the sharing the same dudes, they’re chasing after cringey, broke, ugly, bums BOYS. Each and every one of them are a walking red flag and ick and idk how they don’t see that 🤢

Straight & happily married but that girl… 🔥🤣❤️

Maybe it’s because I only see what’s posted here, but I haven’t seen her once say she loves him or being a mother?

What a clown 🤡 idc what your terms are you should always respect the mother of your child and this is down right disrespectful. Is Rachel perfect? God no. But if you want the best for your children you don’t go around throwing shade and letting the internet degrade her for a year straight. Idc how strong someone is, that will take a toll on anyone’s mental health. Motherhood is HARD and it’s even harder when you can’t be the best version of yourself because the other side constantly tears you down, creates false narratives and try to take your child from you!

I even heard Rach a few weeks back on live say she bought them a gift. Bigger person than I am that’s for damn sure.

I said something similar yesterday, but I don’t think anyone even gives a shit about gaycub. He gets views because people are oddly obsessed with his cash cow and 2 under 2. If there were no stanky or kids no one would know who the dude was. People have even said he would beg them to help him get tik tok famous… her cult is the only reason he’s still with her. The views from them & knowing the backlash he’ll get when he grows a pair and leaves.

I don’t have one but we just started looking for something bigger too. I’ve been eyeing the Hyundai palisade and the gmc Acadia!

I’ve tried explaining this to them too!!! My mom smoked with me and I have several health issues even though I take good care of myself. They’re just like crusty, too prideful to ever be wrong. I’ve given up arguing with them… they’re dumber than a box of rocks and it’s wasted breath.

Bold coming from one of the biggest narcissists in the internet.

This was my oldest. Born 37 weeks at exactly 5lbs and had to do NICU time.

Why do that when she can ask Snapchat get people to respond and get paid to be stupid 🙄


Posted this in a response earlier, but wanted everyone to see. Just yet another example why she shouldn’t have a platform whatsoever. She glorified vaping pregnant while spreading dangerous and false information. How many of these minions future kids will be affected because of the “stanky did it and her kid was fine so mine will be too” logic?? Kinda off topic from this, but it also drives me INSANE when they say “my kid was 5lbs and I didn’t vape, babies come in all sizes” HOW do they not see that statement as flawed? YOU DIDNT VAPE!!!! She did, and one of the biggest side effects of doing so is LOW BIRTH WEIGHT! So tell me again how it has no correlation? I hate them as much as these trashy hoes.


The screenshot I got last night. The minions have zero brain cells, it’s the only logical explanation.

110%!! I didn’t mean it as if you’re a mother you should never want or need a break your kids. Im just so far the extreme opposite of this I couldn’t imagine even wanting to leave my newborn.

This is exactly how I feel. I’ve been lucky enough to be a stay at home mom for 4 years now and I still hate leaving him or my 1 year old even to just go to a 30 min doctors appt of my own.

I guess! I have some real ugly things I’d love to say to her too, but I ain’t giving her a cent and its just wasted breath. She doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone.

Yes she can absolutely still live a normal life! Like you said, there will be some shit days (remind her on those days how strong she is and that it’s okay to have bad days) but overall if she takes care of herself she’ll be great ❤️ good luck to all of you!

Genuine question. I rarely will watch these losers snapchats, but every once in a while y’all post something that I just can’t help but go see for myself. When I do the bottom says “view profile” but so many screenshots I see on here are “reply to christen” “reply to Jacob” “reply to Whitney” PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME YALL ARENT FOLLOWING THEM???? PLEASE!