What items for bachelor pad that impress ladies and impress?

33 year old, recently single. Have a 600 square foot, one bedroom apartment. Open floor plan. What are things that have impressed ladies over the years for you guys who experienced the bachelor lifestyle any amount of time? Thanks!

Funny enough, I once owned and loved a white 2006 Cadillac Deville, tinted windows, and two 12’s in the back. Needless to say, it’s on the shortlist.

What are you talking about🤷Not trying to find a wife.

Not close to answering the question posed. What does that say about yourself?

33 yo first year lawyer. What car should I buy?

Looking for a car that’s not over the top flashy but luxurious/old money flashy. Something that shows I’m subtle but successful. Not married so want something that’s popular with the ladies as well. At times, I see spending $60k but the logical side of me tells me keep it under $40k. Anything used in this $40k and under price range that fits the above description. Potentially looking at buying a vehicle off the section 179 vehicle list for the tax benefits. Range Rover sport? Although I prefer cars.

Packet loss persisting please help…

Things I’ve tried:

1) I’m on wired connection 2) drivers are updated 3) changing routers 4) vpn (no change in packet loss) 5) connecting to hotspot (packet loss did drop down a lot from this step) 6) been working with ISP. They say they see none on their end but it’s indicating it’s coming from the game 7) brother who plays just down the road has zero packet loss 8) started 7 months ago the day I moved into this new apartment complex and changed to their internet service

This is like a big puzzle but I’m frustrated and not sure what to do. Any advice?

So mine just got here. It’s also the Asus. I don’t know an entire lot about this stuff. I’m assuming the Asus is an upgrade right?

Nice! My bad one is a gigabyte. Hopefully I got as lucky as you.

Man that’s great to hear. I sure hope I have the same luck.

Get my 3070 rma today. I sure hope this fixes pc. Anyone else have luck?

Been about two weeks and FedEx shows it’s out for delivery now. PC has been rebooting while playing warzone. Tech support said it was gpu. I sure hope this fixes things. Has anyone else had luck replacing their 3070?

That’s what I’m going to do. In the meantime, it should be safe to still use shouldn’t it?

Any chance bad 3070 gpu fixed itself?Graphics/display

I’m in the process for rma. But prior to today warzone was causing pc to reboot. Furmark test also caused a reboot.

Well, I performed the furmark again earlier and it made it all of the way through. Then I played several games of warzone and no reboot. Is it unheard of for a brand new gpu to fix itself or to be broken in???

Okay. I’m really unfamiliar with pc’s. Could you direct me to step by step instructions on how to do what you’re saying?

Yes, I did. Initially when this was happening it did not have the updates. I called customer service and this was the first thing they had me do. However, this was after I had already downloaded warzone. I had downloaded warzone prior to updating bio.

So, would that have any effect on it?

Yes, I’ve been able to play vr games fine. I will try uninstalling, but when I ran the furmark graphics card stress test it caused the pc to reboot the same way.

I saw the post where a guy had propped up the sagging right side of his with a dog toy and it worked for him but his problem was slightly different than mine. His was showing green dots on screen. My pc is rebooting. Is it still worth a shot? the right side is slightly sagging.

Also, if this is an option, my fan sits a lot closer to the graphics card than his did. If I put something in there to prop up right side does that run any risks of causing other trouble being so close to the fan?

Bought $1700 pc. Came with bad 3070 graphics card. Waiting on advanced RMA. Any options in the meantime?

I want to play warzone. A lot of times I can get a game in or two before it freezes and then the pc reboots. I’ve tried turning graphic settings down real low, it does better, but still eventually reboots. I really really don’t want to wait weeks before I can play with my buddies again. Are there any options for me to try that maybe would allow me to play uninterrupted until new graphics card gets here? Thanks for any help.