Ryzen 5800X, 32 GB 3600 MHz, RTX 4070

Oooh, edgy.

I'm not religious either, but who cares about a meme stolen from a religious text?

Ryzen 5800X, 32 GB 3600 MHz, RTX 4070

I prefer native if I can maintain 100+ fps. Seems ever harder to do though, even with a modern rig...

The bosom is just the exterior of the mammaries, which can be injured. While they can likely provide some measure of impact absorption, and it would be better than dying to a chest injury, the breasts should not be used or relied upon for deflecting major blows to the body.

Lol solos will just get the offline mode loot tables. This is BSG we're talking about.

It's how I was taught to run switch legs, if it made sense to do so. Save wire and all that.

Now, with the advent of smart devices and the IOT, I teach my apprentices to pull a neutral to every switch box regardless. Either a 3 wire from the switched device or a 2 wire to switch and next device, and up to switched device.

Why the 4.3 over the 5.7? I've always found that the 4.3 felt a little anemic.

Ryzen 5800X, 32 GB 3600 MHz, RTX 4070

I'm about here too. Partly because so much stuff is difficult to find without lights these days. I actually tried to buy RAM without lighting, and the guy at the parts store recommended the RGB pro variant due to higher binning (the guys at my local computer parts store are pretty well read on what's going on with hardware, and they'll go out of their way to save me money too, so I trusted that he wasn't trying to upsell a measly 15 bucks on RAM).

I like my RGB keyboard though. Useful for setting lighting to help remember key bindings, and for seeing in the dark when I don't feel like turning lights on for a 3 am insomnia induced gaming session.

Yeah, most dentists I've ever visited would have finished the procedure, then explained afterwards that they made an error as far as coverage.

They would then, in my experience, do their best to minimize cost and then offer a payment plan of some sort.

Leaving someone in this condition is bloody awful. There are some practitioners out there who are just in it for the money.

What's your RTT though? That's where wired often beats out wifi, even in bandwidth-capped scenarios.

That just needs cupboard doors, or maybe saloon doors, to hide the bins or prevent the eye from being drawn to them.

I believe that the commenter I replied to was referencing a GTX 970. GPUs are one of the more expensive upgrades you can make.

The only reason it's even that high is because 20% is the threshold for Steam to send notifications to everyone who has it wishlisted.

Yeah, you shouldn't be able to sell a game as "Early Access" indefinitely while having shuttered the studio that was developing it and fired all the devs. It should be marked as abandoned unless the IP holder can prove otherwise.

It needs to be either pulled from the store or marked DOA on the store page.

Yup. There are micro plastics in our blood, brains, and reproductive organs - the long term effects of which are not yet known.

In Canada the age of consent is 16, with some exceptions.

  • Age of consent is 18 for sodomy

  • Age of consent is 18 if the older party holds a position of authority over the child such as boss, teacher, coach, tutor, etc.

  • The legal age for pornographic/sexual photos and videos is 18.

Based on your description, while it sounds like this guy is icky, there are no blatant crimes being committed.

You could make a police report, which may incite them to take a closer look at his activities, but nothing may come of that. Any action you take may compromise your own anonymity. His invitations for sex could constitute a crime, as a 16 year old cannot consent to anal intercourse, but that's the closest you have to an actual crime right now.

The best that you can hope for is that after filing a police report they open an investigation into this man's activities. However, this is a serious allegation and could take months or years for an investigation to conclude. If charges are laid, you should expect yourself to be summoned to court for your own part in uncovering his activities. The defense may want to attack the validity of what you presented to police in order to open an investigation in the first place. Court could drag on for many months as well.

No, the valves are also deactivated. They aren't compressing air either. There are obviously still some friction losses, but the reduction in compression losses is very apparent.

Lol, everyone cater to me with my 12 year old hardware!

I get not everyone can afford top of the line kit, but that doesn't mean you get to make everyone else's game less fun because you have old gear.

If you're clicking on every revolution, it's either something in the wheel/wheel well as the other poster commented, or your bearings may be failing. If it's the bearings you don't want to sleep on that, it will increase friction and could induce a cutout.

Lol my brake pads last close to rated life. Thanks for being concerned though, and pretending to know anything about the quality of my driving based on an offhand comment on Reddit.

You can, but depending on your vehicle you may not get much engine braking. My truck deactivates 4 of 8 cylinders when I let off the gas, and it takes me forever to drop significant speed by going off throttle.

One of the biggest, most infamous, biker gangs in the world.

Not likely, unless the engine has high enough compression that it's regarding the timing on regular.