
Totally safe. Very nice atmosphere and safe environment

Being able to purchase upgrades to your stadium and then experience the upgrades. For example hologram field goal post so when you kick a fg or extra point you can see the hologram pop up. That add t was coo af. Don’t remember what madden that was but it was nice

I similarly went through the same thing as your dad. Like a week and a half ago. I found out I like oatmeal and plan big biscuit shredded wheat. With Splenda. Lots of fruits with small amounts of cut up cheese. Plain rice and mash potatoes you can microwave with no salt. Look at the Ms dash’s option to use instead of salt. Plain pasta with margarine and Parmesan is low sodium. I’ve been able to stay under 500mg of salt a day and I was on your dads diet. I feel better and I’m not missing the salt. Dries fruit and nuts are a good snack. I hope this helps

Mind your business and stay away from the 3 G’s. Gay stuff gambling gangs

Ferguson is one of the greatest villains on tv ever!!!!

Email all your complaints and issues. Save all the emails. So you have a paper trail of how many times you requested help and maintenance. Don’t be afraid to send the same request every week. There it will show higher ups that you constantly made these issues a topic and have been ignored. The person you email I assume who is in charge of fixing those things will be held accountable and not you. You can even take it a step further and forward those emails to their boss to see if you can get some traction. But the emails protect you. So make sure you do that

Life is great knowing all you have to worry about is just the two of you. A lot less stress. We both have high paying jobs but it’s good to know if it all went to shit we still be able to live.

I put in pto for the week. I’m 42 and I’m so serious. Cause the law of my life I want to play this game I’ve been missing it for so long I knew work would come up with some bs. Now I’m like ok watch my health go really bad. Yeah I’m one of those people

I got two copies of that game for ps3. I misplaced my first one and had to drive 4 hrs last year to a GameStop who had it in stock just to buy it for 21 dollars. That whole drive I kept saying man someone better not buy it before I get there. When I finally get home after buying it my wife said you already have that game and she brought it to me. I was like wtf????!!!

But the most expensive one. But don’t go digital unless he has the only digital system. He will love you for it and he will know that you went all out. It comes with a locker a jersey and a football plus the game

When I was bout 14 my dad was stationed o wr seas. Me and bout 4 of my closest friends decided let’s go to the whore house since we learned about it. Of course none of us had transportation or money. We walk there downtown in a foreign country. Bout 20 mins outside this place we was scared finally I said fuck it enough is enough I’m going in. As I walk in my friends follow in a single line. I walk up to what seems like a hostess station with an African woman in bra and panties everything is dimly lit. The scariness of it all locked in again. I walked right past her walked down the hall by a bunch of doors to rooms right out the back door. Yup that’s my lame ass story of going to a whore house

I’m club fucking footed you jackass

Explain this to me Ferguson escaped then she comes back as kath. Vera is worried she will walk free due to amnesia. But how? She initially escaped where’s that charge? Why did that and her original charges just go away?

Mine are big and it effects how I walk. I think that’s the most annoying thing is walking with these things. It sucks

I keep thinking I’ll pass away before I get to play the game. That’s how long it’s been for me like everyone else. I’ve been sad since. Every July I’d say to myself well ncaa would be coming out about now

On Super Nintendo they had I think play action football or something like that. It had high school college and pro. It was super fun at the time but I’m like 40 so I can’t remember much details to share

Luckily muskrats can’t kill you because those fuckers always attack me all the time

lynyrd skynyrd simple man my my mom who passed away dedicated this song to me. It always breaks me down

I think I’m rolling with Marshall and Miami. But I have a long list of others I might go to