Originally it was an MTV short and it was like 5 mins long. Whoever thought making it a full length movie would be a great idea was definitely wrong.

Absurdly difficult? Have you heard about Ghosts'n'Goblins? It ate all my lunch money back in the 80s. And yes, there are versions of it on Switch.

Were questions asked before or after the screening?

Is this um - socially acceptable to carry it with you all the time?

Still Quentin Tarantino insists 80s were one of the worst decades in the movie history.

You will never have a good price selling to your local store, but you can have a somewhat decent price if you know them and you're friends with them being a long time customer. Selling things off by yourself may be VERY time consuming.

Can confirm, this guy's wife's sandwiches are fire!

Wrong order. First you have a shot of vodka (rakia, slivovice, gorilka, etc depending on the country you're in) and than you have some follow up food to kill the taste.

Depends. Some spices will alter or completely lose their flavour when exposed to heat for some time.

Kevin Smith used to say she was the most difficult person to work with - before he met Bruce Willis.

Redneck Rampage instruction manual is a small town tabloid and it's hysterically funny. Much funnier than the game itself actually.

Legend Entertainment used to make point and click adventures based on book series and they sometimes would include a free book with a boxed edition. Can't beat this.

Oh. And boxed edition of Loom came with an audio drama on a cassette or a cd.

I was casually browsing through the games minding my own business and overheard the conversation between the store clerk and some girl. The girl was slightly nerdy looking, but really BEAUTIFUL, like an easy 10, no kidding, she was standing by the counter and hitting on said clerk HARD. The clerk was a pretty average looking dude, slightly chubby and he was OBLIVIOUS about girl's advances.

They're not bored, they're having a post nut clarity.

I said it before and I will say this again - Katamari needs a casual stress free mode with no time limit. My kids love watching me play the game, but are scared to play it themselves because the scary space king will whoop their asses if they don't make it in time.

Her storyline is a direct reference to Anne Heche who Steve Martin had personal issues with.

I mean there's nothing wrong with being friends with a person of the opposite sex. Just tread lightly here, especially if there's attraction. Soon to be fathers may sometimes do stupid things and you don't want to be a homewrecker. Make sure you're on the same page with his wife.

Does his wife know he asks you out? Is she okay with that? If any of these two are no, than avoid.