Okay, well have a nice day, I hope you can make it through without having your eyes assaulted!

You seem to misunderstand my point. I don't care what you do and do not have a problem with when it comes to what other people wear, it is not your business.

I don't find it unreasonable to expect to see people in bathing suits on a summer vacation. It is absurd to police swimwear on someone else's body.

To be fair, as a 45 year old woman, I don't expect others to dress based on my wants and needs. Additionally I don't shelter my kids from what people choose to wear in public, but I do teach them they don't get to dictate it based on their wants.

They also had a whole conversation about it and moved on. I hope people can let this go, JaNa has.

" I guess I’m the only person that understands that you’re supposed to vote for a couple you like based on their chemistry."

LOL well thank you for taking the time to explain to us the right way to enjoy a completely unserious reality TV show.

I didn't post the original comment that you made your parasocial response to. You didn't simply write a post just to discuss Leah, your title and throughout speaks about Leah AND her fans.

How does this response have anything to do with parasocial relationships. No one owes you an explanation for not seeing things through your eyes, that doesn't mean they have a parasocial relationship with Leah or anyone else. The fact that you feel entitled to an explanation from people who see things differently and need to insult them to cope should have you questioning your own relationship with the show

When/where did this former producer confirm your theory? Was it a podcast, article, WWHL?

I'm on the West Coast and Peacock makes it available for us a little after 5:30. I think that's 8:30 EC?

Interesting when I Google this definition comes up first twice:


Here is the definition of media literacy: noun

the ability to critically analyze stories presented in the mass media and to determine their accuracy or credibility.

"the best weapon we have in this time of fake news is media literacy"

How does people having a different opinion than you on the situation mean they have low media literacy?

She also said she never talked bad about him directly to her.

She's allowed to get the ick though, so I guess I don't understand why that is a valid criticism

Seeing your comments back to back really made me laugh:

"Leah is an ass" "Rob has not "done wrong" - get a grip"

Right! You are still in the same car as the people in the front seat, you just aren't driving.

They are all messy lol, it's been great and it's still early!

I don't disagree that she's messy and it's entertaining, I just don't think that makes her someone who goes for married men. Like you said, that's your opinion. Do you see Rob as the guy who cheats on his wife based on your observations?

That's a huge leap to think she would go for married men because she still likes someone she was in a couple with 4-5 days earlier. Rob knew Andrea 4 days, they weren't anywhere near married and he could have left if it was that serious for them.

I like Kendall and Leah as a potential match because she is crazy.