oh yes... thats where the juicy grooves come from.

So... after Ops updates... take a chill pill everybody.

yup, for the looks of it seems like OP is working with stock heads... that might be part of the issue as well

This, and also for the looks of how you bounce on every snare i'll add on relax your shoulders, i've always been against "the correct posture" on playing, cuz i think eventually your body will be on the relax right position.

check out Joe Morello stick control vids, he talks about how the movement needs to be the natural movement of the wrist and hand, dont overwhelm by this. take it easy and relaxed youll get there.

you might want to check out Efnote, i would love one but unfortunately they dont sell them in my country. (mx)

Secundo al extraño, mejor busca consejo con algún terapeuta, y dile exactamente lo que pones aquí, y luego vuelves y nos cuentas, supongo que va a ser interesante de mínimo.

I dont get why they are downvoting you, OP said there was no legal contract, yes it is low what the other guys are doing, but in the end.. he will be the guy playing and that its gonna be forever.

Im not here to point the obvious, that has been told already, but to advice further, when you buy the new heads, not a bad idea to take a look at tunning techniques, (cuz there's a few) you'll be amazed on how much impact on your heads can be saved with proper tunning.

P.S. stock heads will always Dent and sound bad.

its all adjustable, tension of the springs angle of the beater and height of the beater, try experimenting with that, and also you can adjust the chains.

on side note, I wouldnt play on th drum with the plastic side of the beater... but i guess thats personal taste

oh then try tighten up evenly, let me see if theres some sort of tuto for that.

edit for link




well maybe that could help. good luck.

well, did a little resarch, hairdryer seems to be the answer, if it doesnt fix it, it wont damage it either... on the other side the water might damage the skin... is the skin nailed?

El Hackeo de cuentas a Sony fue en 2017, la ps5 se lanzó en 2020, el hackeo de 2023 fue a 6800 empleados de Sony, no jugadores. Sigues sin saberle

Me robaron una consola porque la delincuencia esta de la verga en méxico. y te hace falta comprensión lectora. porque nunca dije "no tengas tus tarjetas", dije no tengas tarjetas físicas en tiendas virtuales.

Edit porque no hace falta los insultos personales jaja.

De cualquier manera man. espero aprendas lo que sea de esta interacción. como consejo, usa verificación de dos pasos, sin el numero de cel, mas bien a una app de terceros por ejemplo yo uso un generador de clave.

Nunca le hagas cargo no reconocido a PS. te van a banear la cuenta porque en sus términos y condiciones lo dice clarito, lo van a tomar como fraude.

puedes ponerte lo defensivo que quieras mano, la verdad es que no le sabes. y perdiste tu cuenta por wey. disfrazalo como quieras. a mi me robaron un ps4. con la verificación a 2 pasos y el reporte a Sony no pudieron mas que quedarse con la consola como pisapapeles. nunca metes tarjetas físicas a tiendas virtuales, ESO es "finanzas" 123 jaja.

la ignorancia no te exime de responsabilidad, en los acuerdos de usuarios e PS dice claramente que las devoluciones y reclamaciones son directamente con servicio al cliente, nunca con el banco; ya es de conocimiento popular entre los usuarios de PS que jamás debes "No reconocer" un cargo de PS con el banco porque te cancelan la cuenta por fraude (lo dice en los términos y condiciones de PS). Si por confiado no tienes la verificación de dos pasos con un autentificador pues que te digo? perdiste tus juegos por descuido e ignorancia, ni si quiera se le puede achacar al servicio de PS.

I had a similar problem, my hi hat stand was low enough to force my wrist into an non perceptible strange angle, I didnt notice till a friend ask me to play my drum set, he rose the stand a couple of inches... later on I got lazy to lower it again, and noticed that the pain was minor to non existent.

then lowered the stand again, just to see if it was that and yes... So, you should try experiment on the height of your hi hat stand. also practice your sticiking with bouncing with your fingers not your wrist or forearm, the most relaxed way posible.

hope it helps

Pueden ser varios factores, te refieres a que no puedes tocar a la misma velocidad por todo el tiempo de la canción? o te refieres a que después de cierto tiempo sientes entumecimiento y dolor?

Hi, from a non sleep token fan, (tried listen to them just not my thing, nothing against them tho) but "II" man, that guy did drop my jaw. and its not that he re-invented the wheel you know, as a drummer it was the creativity, how clean he performs, technical but also musical. As mentioned above it is a popularity contest, but the guy it is awesome.

you dont think so? mmm you better be sure, go check the info from your profile.


found this on google. dont know if it would work for drums tho.

There is no shortcuts man, 1 month of hard practice its impressive... but imagine this, all the drummers you admire no matter the genre... to all of them took years to get to that skill level. Give it time, patience and develope the limb independence and control for the break downs that hardcore drums has... P.S: It is not that of a simple song the one you mention.

OP si el trabajo es "excepcionalmente Bueno" a que chingados vienes a pedir opinión de desconocidos que mínimo los va a mover la envidia o la ignorancia al opinar.

Lee tu contrato y si de ahí algo no te convence pues no firmas y ya. Tomen responsabilidad de su vida chingadamadre.

thats cool, but dont forget that music its for enjoyment, and expression, to find your self and project your self through music, so its great to dive into practice, but dont take it that seriously and perfect that drain the fun out of it. find your groove and your personality as well. hope this helps, keep it up, we all have been there, trust me.

with sleeves and pads any stand will do... cuz you know the stand doesnt affect the sound of the cymbals, unless you are not using sleeves and pads hehe..