i'm not sure!! i'm trying to figure it out too, it's such an annoying problem to have :( i've been getting better and better with not getting lightheaded but i think environment helped! i was on my bed instead of in my bathroom lol. i'm gonna try again tonight on my bed and see if i actually have just started desensitizing fr or if it was a fluke and i'll keep you in the loop if i figure anything else outšŸ¤žgood luck

didn't get as lightheaded as normal!!Progress

i tried a somewhat new position today (slightly more reclined) and when i pulled out my dilator i didn't start to get lightheaded like i usually do! i've been working through it with my pt and the "exposure therapy" (as i think of it) seems to be working. i'm so happy i can finally make some physical progress now that i've made it mentally! when i pulled it out i did clench up though and it started to hurt more. i'm proud of myself because i did a pretty good job of breathing through it :)

good job taking the steps to work on it!! itā€™s not easy but it will pay off. Iā€™m in the same boat, we can do thisā¤ļø

Yes!! Iā€™m still working through it but Iā€™ve definitely improved over the month or so Iā€™ve been dilating. I still canā€™t handle as much as I want to but Iā€™m working on getting over the panic spiral I go into and then Iā€™m gonna focus on getting the dilator in further! Good luck <3

I totally get your hesitation (took me 2 years to work up the courage to get my pap and Iā€™m 23) but I will say that cervical cancer is not low risk in my opinion. Early detection is so important! I studied the human body in college and we had an OBGyn come in for a lecture and she showed pictures of cervical cancer and it scared me enough to get my pap. Not trying to scare you or anything but Iā€™d say itā€™s worth the pain if you discover something. Also the pap itself was under a minute and once it was over I wasnā€™t sore or anything. Let your doctor know about your pain ahead of time and they should be as gentle as they can!! Good luck!!

I have this problem too!! I get lightheaded. Iā€™ve gotten better through diaphragmatic breathing and honestly just exposure. The more I try to dilate the less lightheaded to get. Itā€™s hard to stop the panic spiral once youā€™ve started. Try not to get too discouraged and keep a good mindset (I know itā€™s way easier said than done). My pt was definitely needed for me, I donā€™t think Iā€™d have worked up the courage to dilate without her. If you canā€™t dilate yet maybe try doing some stretches for this condition (I think YouTube has some) and work up to the dilators. If you can afford it I would recommend pelvic floor therapy so they can work with your case specifically!

I absolutely love my pt. Sheā€™s understanding, remembers details about my personal life and is super friendly so it makes me more comfortable in a very vulnerable situation, and gives me good goals and techniques to help me. I also had an amazing gynecologist that gave me the referral to physical therapy and she made me feel hope w this condition that I havenā€™t felt in awhile. Both of them are young women and I realized thatā€™s the kind of doctor I need, not an older lady (or any kind of man).

Iā€™m sure some can but personally I am so grateful for my pt. For my case specifically I needed professional help Iā€™d say

Also 23 and just starting! Iā€™ve dilated a few times now and my pt recommended a few times a week for now but she said for me once I get more comfortable daily isnā€™t a bad idea. Iā€™m trying to get over a mental block as well as physical.

Congrats!!!! Working towards perfection on my farm rn Iā€™m on year 4!!

Very true, also a way of weeding out the partners that would be with you just for sex! Not hating on hookup culture but I know if I could even participate Iā€™d probably have gotten my heart broken knowing how I am

Huge part of it for me I blame on my catholic mother who taught me that sex is for marriage and baby making only, youā€™re def not alone!!!

i got vibrating dilators for this reason!!! it helps distract my brain from the pain!!

i would literally end friendships over that omgšŸ¤®šŸ¤®

not sure, this was just a random prize level i havenā€™t made it to 100 yet

me too!!! i seriously had no idea how hard it is to get so iā€™m extended thankful HAHA

I agree with the comments, his answer is not great and imo it sounds like heā€™s thinking he knows more about your body than you do. The right guy is out there, my boyfriend is so understanding and he has never pushed me to do anything that hurts me. Iā€™ve actually made progress with him! My ex was not understanding at all and it made me feel awful. You are so worth it and any man that understands you and works with you instead of against is worth the waitā¤ļø

my ex boyfriend didnā€™t really understand but iā€™m now in a muchhhh healthier relationship and my current bf is working with my body, not against it. i definitely feel you when you say you feel like it controls your life because i feel the exact same. itā€™s exhausting!!! iā€™m not gonna give specific relationship advice but i did want to say that there are guys out there that will be understanding and love you no matter what and that you are worth it! me&my bf have found other things that work for us iykwim :) i hope this helps in some way hahaha

congrats!! i had my first pap this year and it was so weird feeling and def kinda hurtšŸ˜­ glad i had a doctor who understood my pain but it still felt violating. i am glad to hear it worked for you, congrats!!ā¤ļø

i always do!! sometimes the nurse is more nervous than me hahaha!! and thank you!! i was impressed i didnā€™t pass out at my pap, itā€™s slowly improving šŸ™šŸ»and i was so relieved when my pcp said it was anatomically all looking alright. iā€™m glad your appointment went well, iā€™m about to have mine and not feeling too nervous about itšŸ¤šŸ¤