What union are you with? Is there any ongoing campaigns to unionize more stores? Would honestly love it if my store did

So because of new laws passed by the NLRB, franchisees are now considered joint employers meaning if a franchise were to unionize the union would be bargaining with both the franchisee AND CORPORATE. This also means corporate can be held liable in cases of Unfair Labor Practices and illegality. If anyone here is seriously interested in organizing a union for UPS store employees pls DM me.

So because of new laws passed by the NLRB franchisee's are now considered joint employers meaning, if a franchise were to unionize a union would be bargaining with BOTH corporate and the franchisee which makes unionizing easier. If anyone here is seriously interested in organizing UPS retail stores DM me

Not sure if theres an active food not bombs chapter in town but theres plenty of other grassroots lefty political organizations doing similar work. Check out Central NJ DSA and Hope City Socialists on IG or twitter both have regular mutual aid/food distribution events around the area.

Everyone with a gun in that picture is a communist

You're dogshit ideology isnt human freedom. It's the subjugation of all people to private enterprises which really isnt anything different then what we have now. You're putting words in my mouth, I dont believe in dictatorship and you dont know what you're talking about, you're a political flat earther who doesnt know anything about history, politics or economics.

I'm not saying its everyone else's fault I'm just saying a socialist society that upholds private property rights and doesnt have some sort of militant organization to defend itself isnt going to be successful which is why I believe socialist movements should be militant and shouldn't respect private property and redistribute it by force if necessary. I will also once again reiterate that you dont have a correct definition of capitalism, you're definition ignores the history and reality of capitalism and is just based on your dog shit ideology's pipedream. I implore you to do some research on the english revolution and the enclosure of the commons.

You havent addressed why there has never been a peaceful voluntary commune that wasnt a total failure.

Yes I have it's because its inevitably quashed by outside forces, which is why I dont think it should be done within the confines of bourgeoisie morality.

Capitalism started hundreds of thousands of years ago whenever two people did a voluntary trade rather than stealing or killing each other. Basic capitalism is older than humans - when parents give care to children. All voluntary exchanges are capitalism.

Capitalism isnt all voluntary exchanges, it's an economic system defined by private ownership, profit, wage labor and was violently forced on most of the world throughout the last couple of centuries. I dont think you know what capitalism or anarchism are.

The US also lost in vietnam- outside forces can sway a close fight, but they cannot force a people to do something they dont want to. Ghandi showed that pretty clearly.

Yes they lost in vietnam but, they didnt in Afghanistan which resulted in the taliban taking over the country and the people of afghanistan where much worse off than under the socialist government.

Also, Ghandi, most likely wouldnt of been successful without if he hadn't been surrounded by others who were not peacefully protesting british rule, he was only one part of the Indian independence movement.

Well I disagree with you on what's valid, but the people of paris supported the establishment of the commune and they didnt have to "steal" anything to start it. And yeah the Taliban were afghani but they were a small minority that was backed by the US in order to overthrow a popular regime. I also haven't even mentioned the democratically elected socialist governments overthrown by the us like Chile. Also y'all know capitalism started by wealthy aristocrats in England forcefully taking land held in common ownership right?

The paris commune took over the city of paris without firing a single shot, the french government attacked. The socialist peoples democratic party of afghanistan staged a peaceful coup in 1979, the US government armed the taliban to overthrow them.

I'm not rewarding people for being miserable, I'm saying we should alleviate unnecessary misery caused by people hoarding wealth and property.

No, I dont decide what people need, it wasnt my decision that people die without food or shelter.

So now you contradict your own point about the peaceful revolution.

No, I'm saying nonviolence is ineffective and will be quashed.

So by not giving you stuff for free,I murder you?You seem to have a poor understanding of either cause&effect or of what murder actually means. Yes, the cause is people not having food or shelter because people hoard things they dont need, and the result is unnecessary death.

And how do you plan on implementing your unpopular pipedream on society peacefully?

There has never not been a meaningful change in power that wasnt the result of aggression, regardless of economic system. And yes when the state defends the property rights of landlords and food producers for example, it means people will die because property rights are valued more than human life, that's not peaceful, its state sanctioned murder.

There has been socialist experiments that were peaceful and didnt trample property "rights" which resulted in failure. And furthermore, the protection of property is one of the least peaceful practices in existence.

Whenever there has been a peaceful socialist uprising its violently squashed by a government who's job is to defend property and capital.

I'm starting a vegetable garden and I'm planning on donating most of the food to food banks and stuff like that, I want to some how work in distributing propaganda along with food to people but this project is in the very early works.

Lil darkie's only 1 dimensional tho