I dunno I have had great luck perhaps but my last like 20 transactions have gone off without a hitch. A couple times a card was forgotten and immediately shipped.

This seller needs a slap upside the noggin. How about a little empathy and customer service.

Oh like Kane. Someone who is a deterrent.

Jeff skinner gets tossed around like a bean bag at a corn hole tournament. He never sticks. Anywhere. No thanks. Guy can’t back check.

We need some grit. Not more perimeter players.

Awesome feedback from someone who matters to the future of the team. She sounds happy supporting Connor and the team.

Exactly. Higher quality card. Small population.

Stop giving advice. The Japanese are higher quality and have a lower population. They will go much higher in time than the English cards which get reprinted.

Call it what you want but it takes a 200 card into 2000 territory. People pay for clarity.

Nothing tastes better than dusty old hockey rink onion rings.
And nothing makes a bigger mess in a vehicle than an A and W onion ring fragmenting cornmeal every which way.

They are absolutely garbage. Any salesperson who drops off these at our office do not make it back in. 0 effort. Garbage.

Honestly, not trying to be a dink. Just curious what signs you see that may make it fake?