Made my own, its just a super satisfying feeling to solo clear a pit 100+

(Shadow wave 2H using rathmas node for overpower cooldown and decripify lucky hit cooldown along with 3x blood mist cooldown tempers and 1x blood mist duration temper and greater affix cooldown on amulet and helmet and blood mist greater affix on armor for infimist and one glyph gives 653% desecrated ground damage along with like 800% more on rings/weapon/glove tempers and ultimate is always up due to a 3.75s cooldown reduction amulet aspect per blood orb and 3x ultimate cooldown tempers on rings/amulet)

Hail the victorious dead!

Sorry but no. Bricking a 2 or 3 affix item feels terrible. Plain and simple it should be the same as masterwork but more expensive reset cost.

ie reg item? 1m reset cost..1 ga affix item? 10m reset cost etc.

Its like you are advocating to keep the old codex ie only use aspect once dont like it ? Well find a new item then…. Because basically you are saying bricked your temper? Well go find a new item then. So it seems you want the old codex back…because RNG

They removed fireshield enchant only to have perma fireshield?


Ah yes, classic reddit general only two weeks ago saying that ukraine didnt build enough defences in the area to hold

“Guys i need help let me make a thread but title it in a nonchalant way to gather information and then copy builds”

Nobody is sleeping on incincerate for leveling , it was awful before and a 10% buff and a explode aoe aspect arent going to save it

I played season 2 and it was way better than season 1. This one promises loads of new content/improvements….repetitive i dont know if your going to get away from that playing an RPG

Splitting steel with nimis will be better

I agree mostly but disagree with the last paragraph as crafting can be fun and has carried a league.

It absolutely carried one of the most fun leagues ever (3.13 ritual) where the league mechanic was by and large ignored and people spent most of the league with the reworked harvest crafting.

Edit: GGG may have been going for something similar this league but it was poorly executed i.e. they learned harvest crafting was bad when it was a factorio simulator but necro graveyard is basically the same thing with an even worse UI

Spend 50d per gear slot or have an almost perfect chance for crafting each slot for a couple divine each but you have to trade for all the coffins/interact with the graveyard….most people with money would take the former thats how bad it is.

I was telling my friend who quit early how one of the most profitable strategies is just to sit in hideout spamming maps with scarabs until you hit divine orbs lol…

Or another profitable strat is just to farm maps for T17 maps… then explaining T17s are just bad due to their modifiers being ridiculously hard so only certain builds can do…oh and GGG decided to go even harder on map modifiers on the atlas tree which is bad design

Approaching archnemesis level is really bad.

Excellent , nobody has figured out or posted the most profitable ultimatum strategy of all in this thread. Good on those who have kept it that way.

Left GGG only to lateral move to a community director for another company?

Thats an ouch millennial mistake move right there. Lesson learned.

Even further before skywrath was released we had the most expensive items in the game being voltaxic rift at 130 exalts followed somewhat closely by shavs and soul taker somewhere around 70-100 then when mjolnir was released it slotted in there.

Thats probably legit 10+ years ago though

The fact that all of those uniques are somewhat used (maybe not shavs this patch with the similar modifier of chaos cannot bypass ES while not on low life haunted modifier) is impressive.